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shaving supplies from Tokyo, Japan

I have a friend that has gone to Tokyo and has asked me if there was anything I wanted there.
I haven't got a clue what to tell them. :idea:
Any ideas?
Are Feather blades real cheap in Japan? Even if you won't use them, they're probably great trade bait.
My experience has been that there aren't a lot of great deals to be found in Tokyo, but I may have just been in the lousy tourist traps. I would ask about a Feather stainless... if it was cheap enough you could use it, and then sell it if you don't end up liking it. :thumbup:

If he's living there, you could have a Feather or Kai 'disposable straight' system shipped to his place (from one of the online Japanese vendors). If it turned out you didn't like it, you could probably sell it in line with B/S/T pricing and still make a profit.

Fyi, the exchange rate against the dollar is quite teh suck these days.
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