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Shaving Stand

Well, guys. I am back on the forum after a few months away. Still been shaving; just away for a bit. However, I have a question. I thought I had a subscribed thread with this info, but no luck.

A few months back there was a guy making brush/razor stands out of acrylic. However, he was waiting on a new house to get started again. Can anyone point me to the right guy and if he is making them again?

His B&B name is SSlicox, IIRC. He's got a website up now, but unfortunately I'm not at home and so don't have the bookmark available to me. Just PM him, though, and I'm sure he'll give you the details.
Well, guys. I am back on the forum after a few months away. Still been shaving; just away for a bit. However, I have a question. I thought I had a subscribed thread with this info, but no luck.

A few months back there was a guy making brush/razor stands out of acrylic. However, he was waiting on a new house to get started again. Can anyone point me to the right guy and if he is making them again?


Use the direct method and order from him.
Here is his website: Cutting Edge Razors.
Awesome. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. This will provide some order to my madness. Now to acquire some more good. The RAD etc is starting to come back....
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