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Shaving on the road - I ain't compromising

I'm traveling right now and since I'm pretty good about packing light, I decided to splurge and took along the following items:

1940s Super Speed - This one is my travel razor. The plating is worn and dull but it shaves great and I bet it is more rugged than a modern Merkur or EJ/Muhle.

Gillette 7 o'clock yellows - This blade comes pretty close to being my default blade. I have plenty to last for several decades and the sharpness and comfort are perfectly adequate for me.

Simpson Case and Simpson Duke 1 - Yep, 2 brushes. Alternating 2 brushes lets them dry completely even when they are in my duffle bag. I've tried 3 synthetic brushes as a quick drying alternative and I can't stand 'em.

Valobra Stick - Maybe the best shave stick of all time...

QED American Gent stick - Rose and Sandalwood (and other scents) for when I want something else in a stick.

Speick Shaving Cream- Half of a tube. Good stuff and I want to use it up

Thayers Witch Hazel - I don't use Alum, prefer WH after most shaves

Burt's Bee's ASB and RazoRock 888 aftershave wax. Both of these work great but I'm thinking I should have brought a splash....

So far the shaves have been great :thumbup1:

What do you take with you when you travel?
My travel set varies some but my standard leave-in-the luggage set up is: A fat handle or ball-end Tech, Astra SP or Personna Super blades, Omega turnback travel brush, La Toja stick, and a variety of AS splashes in those 1/4 oz sample bottles.
Away from rig:

gillette travel razor, Valobra and La Toja sticks, cotton pads soaked in Thayers, Ogallala bay rum and cologne 2 oz. bottles, Wee Scot brush, what more would I need?
I take the Merkur Bakelite some arko cream and some sample creams from GFT in case I get bored , a Vulfix travel brush ,A pack of Astra SS and some organic Bay rum Balm I got from a local vendor.
the feather AC is great travel companion
plus travel sizes of softwares and a smaller brush.
hotel room coffee mugs work fine for lathering.

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My dopp kit is in a state of flux nearly two years in, first road trip in 12 was "just toss the ol triple blade and canned goo and go." and discovered that once you make the change it's never again for the carts.
Second trip in 12 was with a short comb NEW,Wallmart Wilkies,VDH boar brush,puck of Williams,empty TOBS tub for a bowl,styptic pencil,some Thayers WH (rose scented) in a travel bottle and some 1982 vintage English Leather for the smell good factor.
Since I had no travel tube for a wet brush and we hit the road from Atlanta back to Chi-town at O'dark thirty I had a day of looking scruffy.
This years Atlanta trip should lock in my dopp kit, Palmolive shave stick and travel size badger brush transported in a orphaned soap stick and travel brush tube set from a Gillette Combined Set,J-2 Gillette Travel Tech(along with the NEW just in case) and a couple of Astra blades.
Aside from the removal of the Williams and the TOBS tub the rest of my shave kit is unchanged from 2012.
I went on two little trips for my son's baseball team this past summer. I carry everything shaving related in a black leather dopp kit.

Trip No. 1
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 in EJ Black Leather Hard Travel Case
Blades: Astra Superior Platinums
Brush: Edwin Jagger Travel Brush
Soap: Sir Irisch Moos Stick
After shave: Sir Irisch Moos AS Lotion (50ml)

Trip No. 2
Razor: Merkur 37c Slant in clamshell hard case
Blades: Astra Superior Platinums
Brush: Edwin Jagger Travel Brush
Soap: La Toja stick
After shave: Sir Irisch Moos AS Lotion (50ml)

I also had a tube of Baxter of California Oil Free Moisturizer and some Neutrogena Oil Free Moisturizing Lotion (SPF 30) that I used on both trips as balms and for protection from the sun.

My kit stays packed on the road or in the office. It has a stick of Mike's, Speick, Palmolive, and a small tube of Bigelow. It has a Fatip Grande, five packs of crystals and feathers. A Whipped Dog 20mm silver tip, and a WD synthetic, then some colognes.

I routinely do an 18 day trip. For that I'll or a similar trip, I'll take a 7 day roll of straights and a strop. For a short weekend trip, one or two straits. In between, I'll take what works.
At the end of September I will be away for 3 days. It will be my first time away since I started DE shaving. I'm terribly excited! I have plenty of stuff, but no actual travel/dopp kit. I have a Merkur 34C and a Merkur 1904 OC, but not sure which one to take. I recently grated my Speick stick into a plastic container, so I may end up taking that. I have one brush, so I guess that's the brush, and probably a pack of Derbys or Astra. I have a couple of Muhle AS samples, so could use that, and a small sample size bottle of witch hazel.

Now I just need something to put it all in!

But like you, sir, I have no wish or desire to compromise. I like to shave, and I'll do it as fully and as messy as I do it at home.
I definitely compromised on my last trip. I spent four days shaving with Proraso canned goop. Not bad for canned goop, but not as good as my brush and soap.
I've pretty much decided on a la Toja stick and wee scot with some alum. I like to keep liquid to a minimum for traveling but will throw in a cologne sample. Also, I'm still using my sensor excel. A murmur travel model may be next in queue, comb or bar... Hmm.
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