I started thinking about how Shaving and B&B can influence the World in a positive way this morning during my shave. B&B is truly an International site and positive influence in not only the World of Shaving but the World in general. I posted a question a couple of days ago and the first member to respond was from Germany. The responses continued to come in from all over the US and the World. Even the equipment that I, and many others use has an International flavor. My razor is from Germany, my blades are from Israel, my shave cream is from Italy, my brush is from England and my aftershave is from the U.S. B&B is a positive force that drives many of us to live and conduct ourselves like gentleman and ladies, and treat all members and others with respect. This is one of the few boards in the world where all of the members strive to do what is right, in, not only monetary transactions, but our daily correspondence as well. No question goes unanswered, and new members, like me, are made to feel at home. Can you just imagine what the World would be like if all people displayed the courtesy and respect that is shown here at B&B.
OK I am raving on, and maybe Shaving is just Shaving, but thanks for listening.
OK I am raving on, and maybe Shaving is just Shaving, but thanks for listening.