Couple of days ago, I was getting started with my shaving and was loading up the blade in my "newly" acquired / cleaned up Gillette #77 razor. When I was screwing in the handle to the head, due to my hand being wet and carelessness the razor and head slipped off my hand and started falling down
In order to prevent the razor from getting damaged and as a reflex action, I tried to catch the razor with my right hand and the blade cut open a nice 1/2 inch long and very deep gash in my right thumb! Needless to say I oozed out loads of blood and it took quite while for the bleeding to stop. However, like a true DE shaver, I patched up my hand with cotton and band-aid and finished up my shave with just 1 WTG pass.
This is the worst shaving incident in my life so far and as a B&B'er it got me thinking about starting a thread for journaling the worst shaving incidents that B&B'ers have had! The purpose of the thread would be to warn / give a heads-up to other fellow B&B'ers new & old alike on what could happen if they get careless and how easily it could be prevented.
I propose a simple structure for the post:
Type of shaving: DE, SE or Straight
What happened:
How / why it happened:
How could it have been prevented:
Now, post away your shaving accidents / injuries!
PS: I'm proposing this thread after searching through B&B and turning up with no such threads. If there is an already existing thread, mods feel free to close this one.

This is the worst shaving incident in my life so far and as a B&B'er it got me thinking about starting a thread for journaling the worst shaving incidents that B&B'ers have had! The purpose of the thread would be to warn / give a heads-up to other fellow B&B'ers new & old alike on what could happen if they get careless and how easily it could be prevented.
I propose a simple structure for the post:
Type of shaving: DE, SE or Straight
What happened:
How / why it happened:
How could it have been prevented:
- Let's not post the nicks, cuts & weepers all of us get once in a while during the course of our DE shaving lives. However, if the nick or cut is big enough to slice a part of your face and/or leave you dripping with blood for a while, then please do post them here
- The injury does not need to be in your face; could be any part of your body as long as it happened during your (face) shave!
- If the accident caused a damage big enough to your shaving gear or to your bathroom, that qualifies too!
- If it is a bodily injury, please apply your judgment and decide if it would be too gory to post a picture of your injury or not
- Any type of shaver can post here - DE, SE, straight shavers, all are welcome to post!
Now, post away your shaving accidents / injuries!
PS: I'm proposing this thread after searching through B&B and turning up with no such threads. If there is an already existing thread, mods feel free to close this one.
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