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Shavette And Barber Razor Enthusiast (SABRE) group

Folks who have both - how does this Kai model compare to the Feather DX?

I still haven't shaved with my DX and I have had it for a couple of months now. I must use it this month!
The Kai Kasho Woody provides a more forgiving shave than the Feather DX. I think that is due to the lip on the Kai Kasho Woody.
I have not measured the two but I would be willing to bet that the DX has more blade exposure between of the two. I know the Kai Captain Standard razor has less blade exposure than the Feather DX.

With the Woody, I don't have to concentrate as much (as with the DX) and use unguarded blades. With the DX, I stick with guarded blades at this time. I like the wood better on the Kai (look and feel) than the wood of my DX and the Kai has metal spacers between the scales where I think the DX has plastic ones. The nice case that comes with the Woody has a magnet to keep it closed.

That said, I like the DX as well as it has great balance and feels solid in your hands. It just takes more care and concentration to use if you go with unguarded blades. The DX is the one I would pull out if I was shaving a week's worth of growth at one time with an unguarded blade (due to the extra blade exposure handling the extra growth) whereas the Woody, I would use with my normal, every other day shave.

See this post where I had pictures of the two:
Shavette And Barber Razor Enthusiast (SABRE) group - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/shavette-and-barber-razor-enthusiast-sabre-group.360385/post-12779147
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Personally I see no reason why you shouldn't post here.

I agree...and maybe @Old Hippie could even use some of his shavettes and post SOTDs for them too! :thumbup:

SOTD thread - SABREtember thread.

I feel like we have quickly gone from one thread to three threads and I never know which one I am in! I am just going to reiterate that SOTD stuff should ideally be in one of those two, rather than this one.

This one can then hopefully be reserved for general shavette discussion / advice / reviews / show n' tells for new shavettes (and my rants about Marmite peanut butter and the creative bankruptcy of the modern ad industry) so that if folks want to read through the entire 270 page thread looking for shavette information - which I have personally done at least once - they won't have to skip over lots of SOTD posts. There was certainly a period of 6 months or so when we were posting SOTD stuff here too, but we don't have to do that no more.
whilst a voiceover tries to persuade them that buying product X will make them unique and special in some way. Either that, or it explains that product X is perfect for people like them, because they aren't like everybody else.

In the context of above the line advertising it's oxymoronic nonsense, which also presumably highlights a deep seated existential fear held by gen Zers that they really aren't unique or special in any way. I assume this is something to do with being the first generation that grew up amidst the culturally homogenising forces of the internet.

I have Gen Z kids. I'm all too aware. At the risk of getting all Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the saddest part of that mindset is that if they would just be themselves, they would be 100% original. Trying to set yourself apart by being like an "influencer" (🤮) or joining a "different" group is abject conformity.

Worrying about being unique and "special" is wholly self-defeating.

I embrace the Fight Club mantra: I am not special. I am not a unique or beautiful snowflake*. I am the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

*Both the book and movie came out before "snowflake" had political connotations.
@GoodShave Thank you. I am sure you have been asked before and commented elsewhere, but it's useful to know.

I really must get around to using my DX, but it's interesting to see what you say about the Captain too. If I ever buy another AC razor (and I really don't need another) it will probably be a Captain Kami.
You are very welcome!

I am finding that for my face, the Kai Kasho Woody benefits from a sharper/more efficient blade in order to get more efficient shaves with it. For me, that means the Kai Captain Titan ProTouch MG or the Kai Captain Blade. I usually only do two passes but I may need to do three with one side of my neck where the hair grows in a circle and is challenging to get a close shave.

The Feather DX and Vanta RA111 were the previous two barber razors I picked up (both from BST) and I look forward to using those more.

I figure any barber razor/shavette could give an excellent shave if you take the time to learn their quirks and how to use them well. I think a lot of it comes down to preferences.

I like to have a mild/efficient razor and a more aggressive/efficient razor for each blade format so I can shave every day or shave once every 4 days (when life gets busy) without discomfort or irritation.
Has anyone shaved with both the IBC and the Focus Slim AL barber razors/shavettes?

I have the IBC but was curious how the shave compared with the Focus Slim AL.

I don't shave with half DE blades that often since I prefer stiffer blades (AC blades and GEM style blades for example), but I am curious about the Focus Slim AL.

Comparisons with the Vanta RA111 and the Focus Slim AL would also be helpful if you have tried both.

I have Gen Z kids. I'm all too aware. At the risk of getting all Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the saddest part of that mindset is that if they would just be themselves, they would be 100% original. Trying to set yourself apart by being like an "influencer" (🤮) or joining a "different" group is abject conformity.

Worrying about being unique and "special" is wholly self-defeating.

I embrace the Fight Club mantra: I am not special. I am not a unique or beautiful snowflake*. I am the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

*Both the book and movie came out before "snowflake" had political connotations.
I am just a drop of water in a rain shower: Charlie Chan
Has anyone shaved with both the IBC and the Focus Slim AL barber razors/shavettes?

I have the IBC but was curious how the shave compared with the Focus Slim AL.

I don't shave with half DE blades that often since I prefer stiffer blades (AC blades and GEM style blades for example), but I am curious about the Focus Slim AL.

Comparisons with the Vanta RA111 and the Focus Slim AL would also be helpful if you have tried both.

Drunk me ordered a Focus Slim AL just last night against my will. Should arrive this weekend.
Feather SS kami + Feather Pro blade = 👌🏾


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Today's shave.

Razor = Weck Sextoblade
Blade = Persona Hair Shaper /25th shave
Proraso Green soap
Yaqi rainbow brush 26mm
Nivea AS

I don't know what to do with this blade. It looks like it is dull on certain part of the face but cuts like a knife when you keep the correct angle. Fantastic post shave skin feeling with this blade.
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