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shave stands vs resting on the counter

well being 21, and living with my parents (my mom is a clean freak, and I am not complaining) my mom hates me leaving stuff on the counter.

so anyone have something like this?

or this

to keep stuff organized...these are kind of pricey, but I couldn't find anything cheaper on ebay or anywhere where it holds bowl, brush and razor.

also, another random newb question. keeping a mug with no lid on it - does that dry up soap?
I'm a newbie too but I lurked here forever and believe I saw posts regarding both of these topics. Some folks have made their own stands while many don't use a stand at all. Me, I just put my razor in my ditty bag and stash it in a drawer after I dry the razor. I do keep a lid on my soap, though, which keeps it nice and moist.
I've a nice toothbrush holder holds 4 razors in a horseshoe configuration and my brush in the center
I think you are looking for storage options so why don't you just keep your shave cave in your room. If your Mom is picky keep it will keep the counters clean and keep your stuff out of sight. Just bring in the items you need for your shave and bring them back to your room when done. Also this is good advise if you are living with multiple roommates. Also make sure you clean up everything after your routine, for me this is just part of my routine now. Try putting a few towels on the counter and at the lip of sink. This will save you time in clean up, and keeping the bathroom clean will win you bonus points. If you do gain some counter space I would suggest taking some stewardship for the bathroom it is in. When I started this whole thing I noticed my entire bathroom was getting cleaner every week and having a clean environment for this enjoyable hobby is a must.

Don't worry about your soap drying out. A lot us here have many soaps in rotation so they do dry without adverse consequence. It just happens

Happy shaves
Say you can go to www.cuttingedgerazors.com and get one of acyrlic stand for brush razor. You can just put the bowl in front of the stand. or you can go to amazon.com and get one of the metal stands.

ty this is what i was looking for without breaking my bank also is it a trusted site?

here is another stand if you like chrome



i might of missed one just search target
shaving stand.
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I cover my soap to keep dust and other particulates off of it. I have also heard that is keeps the scent longer. I do not have a stand that holds only one razor and my brush. I have a holder that holds all my DE razors that I use in my current rotation. I got mine at Target. It is cheaper than the more expensive ones, so if it turns out you don't like it or want it you have not invested too much into it.

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I like stands because it keeps things organized and looks pretty to boot! I love the e-shave stands and such. They are artistic in appearance and are quite functional.
I would like a stand that includes a bowl built into it. Most of them are so friggin pricey though (yes I am very very cheap:thumbup:) and I can't justify 60 bucks on a "stand". I guess I might weld together my own, or make my own out of some wood...

I saw some on ebay and amazon but they all come with a brush and razor and jack up the price.
I would like a stand that includes a bowl built into it. Most of them are so friggin pricey though (yes I am very very cheap:thumbup:) and I can't justify 60 bucks on a "stand". I guess I might weld together my own, or make my own out of some wood...

I saw some on ebay and amazon but they all come with a brush and razor and jack up the price.

TiG welder and some stainless steel you could make some beautiful pieces
So, think this through HoneyG; your mom likes things neat and organized. And the holidays are coming up soon. She obviously cares about you and will get you a present or two - particularly one that will make her life easier. See where I'm going with this? :biggrin1:

Here's the one my wife gave me for my birthday: http://www.amazingshaving.com/page/amsh/PROD/gis/cu177ivo
I've got the TRAC II version, and I love it, but they have similar ones with nice DE razors (Parker, I think) or (gasp) Mach IIIs if you're into those. For $50 - $55, you get a nice badger brush, stand, soap & bowl (all stainless). At that price you can toss the razor if you don't like it!
Here's the one my wife gave me for my birthday: http://www.amazingshaving.com/page/amsh/PROD/gis/cu177ivo
I've got the TRAC II version, and I love it, but they have similar ones with nice DE razors (Parker, I think) or (gasp) Mach IIIs if you're into those. For $50 - $55, you get a nice badger brush, stand, soap & bowl (all stainless). At that price you can toss the razor if you don't like it!

Or have someone here modify it to accept the head of your choice!
I have a stand for my razor and brush. My wife bought a wooden tray with brass accents at World Market to keep everything organized on the bathroom counter (handful of soaps, sticks, creams and razor/brush stand). Neat and tidy.
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