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Shave Soap plus Sorbolene Cream?

So I bought some Sorbolene moisturising cream last night (it's great for massage since it's soooo cheap and slimy). I noticed on the back it lists the uses for the cream, and it mentions that it can be used as a replacement for shaving soap or cream! I imagine this would be true for women's legs, but would hate to shave my face with it! :scared:

However, it got me thinking . . . . I have 3 shaving soaps: Arko, Australian Palmolive shave stick and Australian Windsor shave soap. All perform well for me, except only the third one contains moisturiser in the soap (makes it feel quite luxurious). See where I am going? If moisturiser can be put into shaving soap, and moisturiser can supposedly be used to replace shaving soap, could I conceivably mix a dab of the Sorbolene Cream in with my non-moisturising shaving soaps and effectively have a really cheap luxurious moisturising shaving soap?

I face lather now, so one possible way of doing this would be a dab of the sorbolene cream on my face and then face lather on top of it. This would mix the moisturiser in with the lather and possibly give me a moisturising shaving soap. In my opinion, if the palmolive shave stick or Arko were moisturising they would rival the expensive shave soaps in terms of feel and effectiveness (even if not on smell).

Does this seem reasonable? Does anyone do this? I guess I could always just try it and see if it works, but wanted to check opinions first. I don't want to possibly ruin my shaving brush from expermenting like this. Do you think it would hurt my shaving brush? Would it reduce the effectiveness of the shaving soap?
Okay, i haven't tried mixing the two while shaving yet, but i did try the sorbolene cream as a moisturiser (put it on about 2 hours after my shave and mixed it with water so that it was very thin.

Well, my face had a bit of a reaction to it and have a few pimples and razor bumps appearing. So . . . i won't be trying that again, or mixing it in with the shaving soap for that matter.

However, i still wonder what the result would be with a decent facial moisturiser. Wonder how that would go with the tiniest amount mixed in with the Arko or Palmolive shaving lather.
I do have a very sensitive neck area. It became more and more sensitive with time to the point of not tolerating badger brush and many shaving creams and soaps any more. Found a solution: after shower, rubbing a generous volume of sorbolene cream between wet hand palms and then into beard. Follow with small but adequate volume of Tabac shaving cream. The combo provides a slippery skin with good protection - better than either the sorbolene or Tabac on it's own. Combined with Edwin Jagger DE89 + Feather blades, no pressure and no ATG, neck has healed from many months of torture.
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