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shave soap greatness

TOBS was the first soap that I purchased when I started out. Excellent soap, but there are plenty of others who make soap just as good. Check out Mike's natural soap. He makes excellent products and samples of his soap can be had for a dollar. His Barbershop scent shouldn't be missed.
The only TOBS soap I use is Jermyn St., and I love the scent. But speaking about performance, I like D.R. Harris better.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
They are not bad, but there are many that are better, just try D R Harris or the products from AoS, I also toss in Arko for being many, many times better than TOBS soaps.
Art of Shaving soaps are great. Easy to build lather, slick, and with lots of cushion. Mike's Natural Soaps are great too. They like a lot of water.
I have TOBS coconut, can't really say anything good about it except for the scent. Could be my water, but other soaps like DR Harris, cella and Palmolive don't have any issues, so I stick with those. I would not consider TOBS worth the price, unless it's a scent that you just have to have.
Is there any way to get soap samples in Canada?

Ive only ever tried Castle Forbes shaving cream since that is what came with my starter kit (new user here)

Are many soaps better than Castle Forbes shaving cream or do I already have the best of the best?

Thanks in advance folks!
I agree that Mikes and DR Harris are awesome. I did just receive some TOBS Jermyn Street and had one of the best BBS shaves ever. Teamed it with a Semogue 1305 boar, a fresh PoliSilver SI and my 1969 Short handle Super Adjustable....awesome.

Worth having in your den.
I recently received three pucks of an experimental batch of Sterling's sandalwood soap on clearance. They perform okay, but smell more like clay than sandalwood. I'll PIF a puck to the OP if interested.

I recently won a couple of bars (Namaste & Nostalgia) of PannaCrema in a B&B contest and am very pleased with what I have seen so far. They are tallow-based, FWIW.
Tobs was one of my first purchases, exactly a year ago. It works. I just recieved my within the last couple weeks, and it's incredible. I find the lather builds quicker, it feels way slicker, and thicker, and I've benefited with superior results. I'd say go for Tabac instead. The difference was significant for me.
I actually found that VDH from Rite aid superior to TOBS.
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