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Shave Oil with Shaving Soap/Cream ?

Hi All ,

Am new to the forum and new to the world of DE Shaving.
Have noticed one benefit of DE shaving is that my skin feels much better for it , I am looking to as much as possible increase the moisturising benefits of traditional shaving and have seen Shave oils in chemists(drugstores) , what I wanted to ask is I am currently using a tub of Taylors of old bond street Sandalwood shaving cream for shaving , can I apply Shave oil to my face and then apply the shave cream over the top of the oil? Also I assume I can just rinse the Shave oil with water afterwards like I would do with the Shaving cream. Sorry for all the questions
That's what I do. The shaving soap/cream and brush will clean off the oil after a multipass shave, so that a cold water rinse is all that is necessary, leaving my face soft and moisturized.
thanks guys, is there any danger of the oil clogging or clumping the hairs on my shaving brush ?

If you use a small amount, no. I have one brush that I have owned for more than 35 years. I have been using pre-shave oil for more than 10 years (and 8 of those years was prior to joining B&B and when I had only two brushes and used the older one more than 90% of time) and have never experienced any clogging of my razor or brush.
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