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Shave before or after showering

Do you shave before or after you shower?

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I have noticed that many shower before shaving. I have always shaved first. The shower after soothes my skin and closes up the occassional weeper. What is your order and why?
I shave after I shower. The shower cleans and and preps my face for the shave. Then after the shower, I Cold Water Shave. After the shave I immediately like to use Witch Hazel and then Clubman AS. If I took a shower after my shave I wouldn't be able to do this.
After. A shower and shave go so well together. I have the water as hot as I can handle and scrub my body and face with an ex-foliating pad and some regular soap, shower gel is just a con. Then it is straight to shaving, again with water as hot as I can handle. I lay all my shaving stuff out before I get in the shower.
I just find it makes the shave smoother and sets my beard up better. Of course doing it as you do is fine. As long as it works for you,
A hot shower softens my scruff more than any other prep. The softer my scruff, the smoother my shave. So, I shower before I shave.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
I always follow mike's prep...


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I shave before showering for the same reason you do. I apply AS after the shower. This works well for me. Though it probably lengthens my prep a little to make sure my beard is soaked. Just getting hot water to the sink takes a little time as well.
I've been going both ways and find that shaving first works for me, presumably because the oils on my skin are still there and help with lubrication, but also because it gives the weepers a chance to stop; being able to just rinse off the lather is an added bonus (I also shave my head).
For me, showering and shaving are independent, not interconnected.
I shave when I need a shave (more often in the mornings) and I shower when I need a shower (more often at night).

To my mind, making a shower a necessary part of the shave routine is ridiculous.
I try to shower before shaving as I find how water softens my whiskers. Also I like to shave when my face is clean and I like the cream scent that remains after you rinse your face.

However, I know some people who pretend that showering before a shave strips the skin of its natural oils that can act as some sort of lubricant when shaving. One can overcome this with good prep and shaving oils, on the other hand!
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I only started to shave after a shower when I switched from carts to a DE a few weeks ago. Once I have a handle on my process and technique I may change back again just to see what difference it makes to my results. Ultimately the experience, and the results, are what DE shaving is all about for me.
I like to shower before a shave. After a nice smooth BBS the last thing I want to do is more scrubbing I feel you can't enjoy a smooth shave if your body is still dirty. Shaving before a shower is like waxing your car before you wash it.
Well, my bad. My teachers always told me to 'answer the question asked' . Voted before, because I thought I was saying I shower before, not that I shave before.

Too Tired.
In short, shower first, shave after, and I ticked the wrong box.
Shave after a shower 99% of the time. Big, heavy, wiry, thick Greek beard needs as much softening as possible.
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