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Sharpest blades?

If you had to rank the top 3 or 5 sharpest blades what would they be?

Just curious as I bought a sample pack and seem to have issues with the duller blades (my beard is thick and the fewer smooth strokes I get, the better!!!)...the blades that feel duller (or that take less hair off per stroke) seem to give me mega razor burn!
Feather is the sharpest. Look out!

Kai is sharp but smoother.

Next, I would say is Gillette 7 O'Clock black.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Feathers are the sharpest in my book. But there is no reason to fear them. All razor blades are sharp.

Next would have to be Gillette Platinum then Voskhod. They are both pretty close though.

I think you will get a lot of different answers as different blades work better/worse for folks as well as could feel different in each razor.
I see you have only a few posts so maybe you don't know how to use the search feature. So here's a tip. Go to the Advanced Search feature and select the first tab - Search Single Content Type. Then enter "sharpest" as your keyword and to the right of that select "search titles only". What you'll end up with is a ton of threads that all have "sharpest" in their titles. The majority of them will address your question. What's more since people often won't repeat info they've given a few times before you won't get nearly as many posts in this thread as you'll find if you go back and look at several of these older threads. Good hunting.
Feather seems to be the sharpest per the posts here ;)

But it is interesting to see how things change for #2 and #3

Never heard of Kai's...another Japanese product? Is there a common thread here with Japan and sharp razor blades :)

@jwilock, sorry I am new to the forum, probably should have searched but it was on my mind and I quickly posted it!!
Feathers are considered the sharpest blade - at least for the first shave or two. However, I can get only two shaves from them before they become dull for me and result in irritation. I find the Personna Labs or Meds and the Personna Reds to be sharp but are smoother and last longer for me.

However, try the different blades for yourself and make up your own mind.
@Eamnon, I am 29 and will be turning 30 soon (as of about 2 years ago, I began to notice some white hairs in my beard...........and on my head!!!)

I have a fairly thick beard and full coverage. Maybe some of you OG shavers have more experience than some of us younger guys with various razors, and I would definitely blame razor "technology" for many of the flaws in younger shavers technique. I started off with a two blade Gillette (actually my favorite disposable) and then of course the venerated Mach 3. The problem is, they made us lazy and we just dealt with the blowback of these "technologies" e.g. ingrowns and the like. Plus most of us were never really taught how to properly shave! Some guys can get away with ATG with Mach 3 with no problems while I couldn't imagine that in my worst nightmare.

I have to admit DEs have given me the greatest and worst shaves of my life ;) But like you said, I think much of this deals with finding the "sharpest" (quite subjective, I know) razor blade we can find and seeing what sort of damage we can do with it!!! So, I think technique is a good portion but I have been slowly homing my craft just enough to notice that some razors just aren't for me...but of those, the problem always seems to be sharpness (again, for me, meaning how much hair is being taken away within a given stroke).

Just looking for some common threads; Feathers and Personas sound like the choice for sharpest blades for most shavers!

One last thing, I apologize for my often terrible grammar, even though I am an American, I live/work in Germany and spend a good portion of my day switching between reading and speaking German and English!!! Really ties my brain in a knot sometimes!!
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One note on the Feathers, they do not have a long life. My Personna Med Preps last much longer.

I see you have only a few posts so maybe you don't know how to use the search feature. So here's a tip. Go to the Advanced Search feature and select the first tab - Search Single Content Type. Then enter "sharpest" as your keyword and to the right of that select "search titles only". What you'll end up with is a ton of threads that all have "sharpest" in their titles. The majority of them will address your question. What's more since people often won't repeat info they've given a few times before you won't get nearly as many posts in this thread as you'll find if you go back and look at several of these older threads. Good hunting.

Easier way to search is going to google and typing in site:badgerandblade.com "Sharpest blade" like THIS
Feathers, and I can use them for a dozen shaves no problem. Not sure why some can only get a couple of hits off them.
Feathers, and I can use them for a dozen shaves no problem. Not sure why some can only get a couple of hits off them.
Lucky you, I only get a couple of shaves and then it becomes uncomfortable. Really strange but what can you do. I don't have a heavy beard or anything by the way.
Feather seems to be the sharpest per the posts here ;)

But it is interesting to see how things change for #2 and #3

Never heard of Kai's...another Japanese product? Is there a common thread here with Japan and sharp razor blades :)

@jwilock, sorry I am new to the forum, probably should have searched but it was on my mind and I quickly posted it!!

Truly wasn't trying to give you a hard time, but to be helpful. You've got 22 posts in this thread after a couple of days. But there are literally hundreds of posts you can find and read if you're interested in this subject.
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