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Sharpest Blade Besides Feather

I was wondering which blade (other than Feather) you thought was the sharpest? Out of the ones I tried, I would say Crystal.

Any opinions?
Out of the several blades I've tried Sharks are the sharpest. I've heard that Iridiums are very close to the sharpness of a Feather, but I haven't tried them.
Iridiums are close and have heard that KAIs are also in the same league as feathers but haven't tried them as yet.
In my limited experience with Astras and Iridiums I'd say that I would give the nod to Iridiums. However, both offer a very good balance of sharp and smooth. I've also heard the same thing about Kai blades but also have not tried them.
To me, the Super Iridiums are almost as sharp as the Feather, and last about twice as long. The Sharks are very nice also, but don't have the long lasting edge of the SI.
Feather, then Crystal.

For NOS blades, the Personna 74 easily matches the Feather, with the Gillette Spoiler and Schick Super Stainless not far behind.
Thanks for the info! I have not tried any of these. Here is a summary and a price per hundred I found;

Astra Superior Platinum $18 per 100
Crystal $12 per 100
Iridium Super $34 per 100
Kai (can't find these)
Shark $16 per 100

as compared to Feather $30 per 100

I guess the Iridiums would have to be REALLY good for me to buy any in quantity. Well - time to order up my own sampler pack ...
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Thanks for the info! I have not tried any of these. Here is a summary and a price per hundred I found;

Astra Superior Platinum $18 per 100
Crystal $12 per 100
Iridium Super $34 per 100
Kai (can't find these)
Shark $16 per 100

as compared to Feather $30 per 100

I guess the Iridiums would have to be REALLY good for me to buy any in quantity. Well - time to order up my own sampler pack ...

To me (in the Enigma, but will try them in another razor too) Iridiums are dull and expensive. Astra is great. Kai different. Shark nice. Crystal average. But do try them yourself.
To me (in the Enigma, but will try them in another razor too) Iridiums are dull and expensive. Astra is great. Kai different. Shark nice. Crystal average. But do try them yourself.

My findings are pretty similar. The 7 o'clock sharp edge (yellow box) and the 7 o'clock black box (whatever those are called) are also pretty sharp too.
I've tried all the blades mentioned above, except for the Iridiums, in a variety of razors, and still find the Feathers to be in a class by themselves. They are, for me, the sharpest blade by far. However they are not the smoothest, also by far, and for that reason I prefer other blades, such as the Astra Superiors, Bluebirds, and Gillette Bleu Extras.
I was wondering which blade (other than Feather) you thought was the sharpest? Out of the ones I tried, I would say Crystal.

Any opinions?
The Crystals still didn't cut as well as I'd like for me, getting "stuck" when trying an ATG as a last pass. Granted, I haven't gotten a chance to try any of the other "sharper" blades mentioned above, but I intend to soon.


Just below a Feather for me (but all are smoother):

green Indian gillette 7 o'clock Perma sharps
Super Iridiums
Gillette Bleue Extra

and some say Gillette 7 O'clock Sharpedge Yellow but I don't like them. Hope this helps.
One thing I think doesn't get enough attention on these forums is the fact that blade price doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is to be put in ratio to shaves per blade. So if Iridiums cost three times what Derbys cost, but last for twice as many shaves, well they are only 50% more expensive per shave. I haven't tried Feathers yet but this is one reason I'm hesitant to try: with a very coarse beard (Derbys last at most 3 shaves), it doesn't make sense for me to plunk down 0.50 for 2 or 3 shaves. At that price I could practically use a fresh Derby blade for each pass! I find it hard to believe that Feather is an order of magnitude sharper than the other razors being mentioned in this thread, some of which (the Iridium comes to mind) last significantly longer at about the same price, and are smoother to boot. YMMV/IMHO&c
Bolzano - but as was pointed out to me (rudely) they are definitely in the stratosphere price-wise in the U.S. But in terms of sharpness they are sharper than any non-Feather I've tried.
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