I was wondering which blade (other than Feather) you thought was the sharpest? Out of the ones I tried, I would say Crystal.
Any opinions?
Any opinions?
Thanks for the info! I have not tried any of these. Here is a summary and a price per hundred I found;
Astra Superior Platinum $18 per 100
Crystal $12 per 100
Iridium Super $34 per 100
Kai (can't find these)
Shark $16 per 100
as compared to Feather $30 per 100
I guess the Iridiums would have to be REALLY good for me to buy any in quantity. Well - time to order up my own sampler pack ...
To me (in the Enigma, but will try them in another razor too) Iridiums are dull and expensive. Astra is great. Kai different. Shark nice. Crystal average. But do try them yourself.
The Crystals still didn't cut as well as I'd like for me, getting "stuck" when trying an ATG as a last pass. Granted, I haven't gotten a chance to try any of the other "sharper" blades mentioned above, but I intend to soon.I was wondering which blade (other than Feather) you thought was the sharpest? Out of the ones I tried, I would say Crystal.
Any opinions?