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Shark. Super Stainless, or Super Chrome (is there a difference)

Can't recall which I started with (really liked them), but my most recent blades were the Super Stainless. Getting ready to re-order, and wondered which is the go to standard, or are they one and the same?
Can't recall which I started with (really liked them), but my most recent blades were the Super Stainless. Getting ready to re-order, and wondered which is the go to standard, or are they one and the same?

Well, looks like a new feature here, listing similar threads below (very cool). Found my aswers in those threads, obviously I need to try both as they are both popular. I still have some Super Stainless, so I ordered 100 Super Chrome.
Some people love them both (me included), some people hate them both, some people claim to be able to tell the difference between them, and have a preference for one or the other.

I believe that they come off the same production line, and packaging is the only difference.

I like the the three different Lord branded blades (Platinum, Stainless, Chrome) from the same factory, as well, and can't differentiate between them (or between them and either Shark, for that matter.)

I think any perceived differences are explained by production variations.

Try them both (and maybe include the Lord blades), see how they work for YOU.

Good blades!

I thought SC nicked me more than SS. That is about the only difference. It is likely MikeGJ is right. All stainless is made that way from chromium. The blades do not appear to be chrome plated. So either is a steel alloy with chromium. It could be a marketing trick. There could be a quality difference. With Lord, it seemed the SC dropped off in quality for me faster than the platinum but in that case the plat has a different coating that at least is advertised as making it last longer.
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