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Shane's Entry into the B&B Hall of Fame

Please allow me to introduce myself:


What is your real name?
Shane Smith

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Mr. Smith

Where do you live?
a small town in northern Virginia, not too far out of Washington, D.C.

What is your age (or) generation?
currently 24

What are you in the real world?
music teacher on a private basis, eternal college student, future elementary music teacher

What is your favorite shave setup?
C&E Best Badger (this thing blows my other brushes away)
Gillette Long Handle Adjustable with a Derby Blade
Pacific Shaving Oil
Provence Santé Shaving Soap OR
Trumper's Violet OR
Proraso Green Tube
Thayer's Peach Witch Hazel
Nancy Boy Aftershave Balm

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Absolutely anything involving music and the arts in general, fine food and drink, reading extensively, being around friends, enjoying nature, good movies, working out regularly and, of course, acquiring grooming/shaving goodies.

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I'm a 24 year old musician, a percussionist by trade. I enjoy teaching and look forward to educating children at the K-5 level as an elementary music teacher in the near future. I am a fierce Washington sports fan (GO SKINS!) I'm loyal to a select few brushes and probably won't own more than five throughout my life. I'm a bit of a southern boy so I absolutely love some good home cookin'. I love dressing nice, looking well-groomed and smelling great, so it seemed like B&B was the perfect place for me to come.

(Thread generated automatically by the Hall of Fame Submission Form)
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