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Semogue similar to Omega 10049?

A while back I bought the Semogue 2000 because of that review. Even though I don't have the 2000 anymore, I have fond memories of it. It has very soft tips and it doesn't take long to break in. I sold mine prematurely. If I knew what I know now that brushes with too much backbone contribute to uncomfortable shaves, I wouldn't have sold the Semogue 2000. I think you'll enjoy it.
My Semogue 2000 has arrived -- pictured below, on the left, next to my Omega Pro 10049.

Inaugural lather-up will be tonight (with MWF). I can tell just by the feel of this brush on my hand that I'm going to like it. It has the same wonderful combination of softness and firmness that makes the Omega so special. Yet, as you can see from the picture, it's somewhat less imposing than the Omega Pro. I think it will be great for face-lathering. And, by the way, it smells fine -- no defunking necessary.

... I think you'll enjoy it.

I have no trouble believing that, Noah! Will report on my experience in this thread.


P.S. Got great service from Bruno at Vintage Scent for this purchase. No affiliation, just a satisfied customer, yadda yadda.
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i'm trying to decide which semogue to buy next, 1305 or soc.
I own both, and I favor the SOC ... it is denser, softer, and has a much nicer handle.

My suggestion is to buy one of each ... that way, you will always have a dry brush when you're ready to shave. After a few months of comparison, you will probably favor one or the other, and opt for a second brush of the the same model (I got a second SOC recently.) Or, you might decide to go with yet another model of boar.
My Semogue 2000 has arrived ... Will report on my experience in this thread.

The 2000 is a delight -- dense yet soft. It will be even better once the tips are broken in. This is a great companion to the Omega Pro! Thanks again for your suggestions.
It will keep getting better for the next few months until it reaches its full potential. I know it is a smaller knot size then the Omega, but the 2000 knot always felt bigger then the 49 to me. Great brush for face lathering. Enjoy it.
It will keep getting better for the next few months until it reaches its full potential. I know it is a smaller knot size then the Omega, but the 2000 knot always felt bigger then the 49 to me. Great brush for face lathering. Enjoy it.

Good to know. Yes, the 2000 and the 49 can both (face-)lather up a storm!
The Semogue 1470 is a nice brush, but i think the Semogue 2000 might be more similar to the Omega in everything that you are looking for, or even the Owner's Club which is much more expensive. The Semogues are very nice brushes but will cost you usually double the price of the Omegas.
Good luck.
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