Hi guys,
My current daily brush is my badger silvertip.
I face lather and have a very tough beard - because of this, I have to use slick and/or beard softening soaps. My silvertip is an excellent face latherer and provides a wonderful exfoliation to my face with it's soft bristles. Even though they are soft, I can feel them 'working'.
My first brush was a pure badger that was prickly and scratchy, which I didn't like at all.
I am pretty much a soap convert now. I shave daily and am almost always in a rush in the mornings.
I also own the cheaper men-u pure (boar) bristle brush that costs $10-15. This one:
I found it surprisingly good for daily use with easy-to-lather soaps like Cella and Mama Bears. It was also ok for MWF.
My daily routine is simply 1 x WTG OR 1 x WTG and 1 x XTG -
Therefore I only need enough lather for 2-2.5 (touch ups) passes.
I have an opportunity to purchase a couple of brushes at the same price.
Men-U Synthetic
I can get this for $20
Semogue Owners club
I can get this for $20
1. Should I go for any of these or use the money on soaps/blades and sit happy with my badger brush and cheaper pure bristle men-u ?
I know, it's an odd question - I was hoping to get some views from fellow shavers. I looked up reviews and from them, it looks like I can skip the men-u synthetic altogether. Whereas, the SOC I am not too sure. Some badger lovers cannot get along with boars, and others seem to be converted to the SOC. Note, this is not a badger vs boar post.
Thoughts from people who have actually used the brushes in question are always appreciated.
When I face lather, I end up with small bits of lather flying onto my vest/shirt,mirror etc. This tends to happen more with the badger brush. The lather is perfect and I love it but I need to reduce how much ends up on the walls! At the moment, I have to bend over with my head pointing down at the sink. Luckily, our sink is made of glass and I can see a reflection of myself and therefore, see where I am lathering. This contant bending down is doing my back in. If I scrub less vigorously (although, it's not particularly vigorous at the moment), i won't produce the lather I need. I see Mantic and other videos where shavers have their sweat shirts on and shave - I can't do this.
2. Am I the only one or does this happen to you too?
Thank you
My current daily brush is my badger silvertip.
I face lather and have a very tough beard - because of this, I have to use slick and/or beard softening soaps. My silvertip is an excellent face latherer and provides a wonderful exfoliation to my face with it's soft bristles. Even though they are soft, I can feel them 'working'.
My first brush was a pure badger that was prickly and scratchy, which I didn't like at all.
I am pretty much a soap convert now. I shave daily and am almost always in a rush in the mornings.
I also own the cheaper men-u pure (boar) bristle brush that costs $10-15. This one:
I found it surprisingly good for daily use with easy-to-lather soaps like Cella and Mama Bears. It was also ok for MWF.
My daily routine is simply 1 x WTG OR 1 x WTG and 1 x XTG -
Therefore I only need enough lather for 2-2.5 (touch ups) passes.
I have an opportunity to purchase a couple of brushes at the same price.
Men-U Synthetic
I can get this for $20
Semogue Owners club
I can get this for $20
1. Should I go for any of these or use the money on soaps/blades and sit happy with my badger brush and cheaper pure bristle men-u ?
I know, it's an odd question - I was hoping to get some views from fellow shavers. I looked up reviews and from them, it looks like I can skip the men-u synthetic altogether. Whereas, the SOC I am not too sure. Some badger lovers cannot get along with boars, and others seem to be converted to the SOC. Note, this is not a badger vs boar post.
Thoughts from people who have actually used the brushes in question are always appreciated.
When I face lather, I end up with small bits of lather flying onto my vest/shirt,mirror etc. This tends to happen more with the badger brush. The lather is perfect and I love it but I need to reduce how much ends up on the walls! At the moment, I have to bend over with my head pointing down at the sink. Luckily, our sink is made of glass and I can see a reflection of myself and therefore, see where I am lathering. This contant bending down is doing my back in. If I scrub less vigorously (although, it's not particularly vigorous at the moment), i won't produce the lather I need. I see Mantic and other videos where shavers have their sweat shirts on and shave - I can't do this.
2. Am I the only one or does this happen to you too?
Thank you
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