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Semogue 1460 Break In!

So I have been using my Semogue 1460 exclusively to break it in. I've used about 10 times now and I'm just not sure if its broken in yet. The bristles look to be split and it does feel soft but does that mean its over its break in period or should I keep using it more. How do you know when a boar brush is really broken in??? :001_cool:
I've read that it can take months of continual use to break in the 1460 and similar brushes. I've been using mine for about 3 weeks and it's still getting softer, but it's overall performance hasn't changed a whole lot since the first week. By 10 uses you should be able to tell whether you like it or not. I think the whole thing about breaking in a boar brush really has more to do with trying to compare them to badger brushes. Because boar brushes do soften considerably with use, new out of the box they generally don't compare well with badger.
It takes months to properly break in a Semogue boar - more and more bristles split, and they even start to split 3 and 4 ways. Just keep using it and enjoy the way it develops :biggrin1:
I have Semogues but not that particular brush. You'll want more than 10 shaves before it will have broken in though.
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