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Seeking a shoe-FAQ.and DSW-brand experience?

So, I'm early into my learning curve on what makes for "nice shoes" (like, I just learned the words "brogue" and "blucher" about three days ago kind of early :blushing:...) and have been trying to do some research. I have a ton of questions, but I'll try and keep this post short and to the point...

1) Anyone have an equivalent of the ShaveWiki FAQ for shoes? Any good shoe-blogs would also be much appreciated at this time...so far, I've been looking at The Shoe Snob and Dappered, but any other "obvious" ones that I'm too naive to know about would be awesome.

2) In my search for my first >$75 dress shoe, I walked into the local DSW today (big shoe warehouse for those unfamiliar with the chain) and found a couple brands that I couldn't really find online reviews for....Aston Grey, Mercanti Fiorentini, Bass(?)...I'm guessing these are in-house brands? Is it a fair assessment that these are decent "starter" shoes? Meaning, if I don't expect to be wearing these for 3+ years, they'll be decent trainer-brands to figure out what kinds of styles/colors I like?

Thanks for taking the time to look and answer and not being too hard on a recent graduate trying to interview for the job that's going to earn him the kind of paycheck that's necessary to go after the Aldens and Allen Edmonds of the world...
Ah don't fret! Everyone finds out about things at a different rate, just be careful not to fall TOO far down the shoe hole...you will end up with some beautiful shoes but no money to eat, aside form all the supple leather! :p

As for more general shoes info, wikipedia actually has a nice article on shoes. They describe and show the different types and parts of a shoe. When it comes to specific brands, models, etc, you will probably have to find a forum. There is rarely a definitive guide to "good" shoes, just like no one has the "perfect" shave den set up!

DSW is alright, they sort of cater to the medium end big designer shoes. Aston Grey and Mercanti Fiorentini are DSW house brands. Ok shoes, but never worth the full price imo. If you can find them for 50%+ off, buy them. Bass is a well known maker of shoes, NOT a DSW house brands. They make pretty good shoes overall, nothing amazing or terrible imo.

As for recommendations, it really depends on what you want, where/when you will be wearing them, and how often. If you just need some nice shoes for general wear (interview, job for a bit, etc) find some simple black shoes, preferably on sale (DSW has TONS of sales often) and get them for a decent price. In the mean time, explore this forum, look at shoes, see, what styles, colors, prices, etc of shoes that you like, save up and make the purchase.

It never costs to go and check out and try on shoes! So go explore various shops to get a better idea as to what you like and what styles/colors suit you.
Even if you are a internet search guru, I think you will come up short trying to find information about specific shoes that you find in the store. I am not sure if that is because of the ever changing nature of fashion or changing shoe models or something else. In the past I have tried to find reviews of athletic shoes (tennis, running, basketball) of one model or one brand against the other and could not find much. There is nothing like a consumer reports to provide quantitative information about a shoes performance.

There are various blogs and a few forums about men's fashions which can help educate, but I don't know of a good shoe FAQ.
A Goodyear welt and real leather is the place to begin. As you move up in price range the leathers get better, more attention is paid to detail and a greater percentage of the shoe is made by hand.
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