After a few weeks of shaving with straight razors, with some pretty good results actually, I went back to my 40s Super Speed and got every bit as good a BBS in a lot less time with nowhere near the risk.
I get where your coming from. I'll stick with the Safety Razors.
Like I have said before, It takes a special something (which I don't have) to take a bare razor sharp blade to your neck and face.
I salute those who have it, but I'm staying over here where it's safe and warm.
Are you sure you don't wanna be where it's dangerous and cool. I hear chicks dig it.
After a few weeks of shaving with straight razors, with some pretty good results actually, I went back to my 40s Super Speed and got every bit as good a BBS in a lot less time with nowhere near the risk.
Part of what I'm dealing with right now is just taking a step back to reassess why I'm pursuing the straight razor shave. I don't think it's got much to do with being cool. I'm pretty much unconcerned with that anymore. But if I can get just as good a shave with a DE, then I must be after a sense of accomplishment. Doing something not many guys do. I don't know. But I'm not going to try and reason this out. I believe in what I think of as the 'iron filings' approach in life. Going with what I feel drawn to. So I'm going to take Ambrose's suggestion and just wait and pick up a straight when the spirit moves me.
Gees, I think I just left one hell of an opening with that last line.
... I must be after a sense of accomplishment.