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Seabreeze for dandruff

Recently started using Seabreeze to control my dandruff problem. I'd wet hair, soak with Seabreeze, massage in, and rinse. I stopped using shampoo -- my hair is short and the Seabreeze got it clean enough. So far it's working. Might be worth trying if you have dandruff and nothing else has worked.
I would recommend a shampoo that has neem oil...worked best for me !!! Alaffia or theraneem - organix south....tea tree didnt work for me..but this has no SLS nor other garbage ingredients...and works great
I used it as a teen for zits in the 60's...I still use it today in my aftershave rotation,it's great stuff...as for dandruff,sea breeze can dry out your scalp,and thats what dandruff is,dry flaked off skin.....you should get a high quality dandruff shampoo,and when all lathered up,use one of those round head scratchers you buy at the barbers or beauty supply.This is the trick,you have to loosen those flakes and wash them off.If you can wash your head every night,then in the morning you can lube your scalp with pomade to keep it moist and smooth.
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