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scuttle temp vs. lather requirements

So, I'm hoping to corral a few random posts here and there throughout the shaving cream and shaving soap sub-forums in an effort to get a better idea of how temperature affects lather. If you've got a kid who needs a science fair project, maybe this'll be a start :tongue_sm.

It's almost daunting to see how many variables are involved in getting a fantastic lather - hardness of the water, temperature of the soak water, temperature of the lather-building water, type of soap (glycerin, tallow, etc.), cream, etc. etc. etc. So here's what I'm wondering: is there any sort of fairly definite pattern to what combinations make the best lather? I'm thinking on the level of being able to plug in variables to know how long you should whip, how much water you should add, etc.

All of this started recently because I've started using a scuttle. I love the thought of warm lather, but it doesn't seem like some soaps and creams can take it. For instance, whilst using a regular bowl, I've never had a problem lathering up Conk Almond; but with the scuttle, I'm getting lather that dissipates too quickly using the same lather as just with a bowl. It's possible to get a great lather, but the "sweet spot" is much harder to hit now. I experienced the same thing with MWF; the luxurious lather I experienced with just a bowl has been reduced to foamy mess. I recently noticed a tip in this thread on dealing with room-temp water; so I'm thinking that even though I've adjusted the soak water temperature, the scuttle might still be keeping everything too warm.

So: you scuttlefolk...have you noticed a need to change water ratios or temperatures with stuff you KNOW works because of the temperature of the scuttle? What's the point of using a scuttle to make warm lather if it just makes the lather poop out too quickly?
If I'm showering first I'll heat the water to 160 degrees and let scuttle cool while showering and leave original water in the scuttle, If I'm going to shave right away I use 140 degree water this seems to work for me.
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