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Buncha the old guys are complaining about it, seems civilization is about to end or something, they keep mentioning baseball caps indoors.

As one of the older guys, baseball caps indoors strikes me as odd, but not offensive in any way. As for being "scruffy," there is a time and place for everything, and anyone who comes to a job interview unshaven is likely to be seen as too casual, not serious. As for not shaving at other times, I could care less. To each his own.
Next time I see some idiot wearing a baseball cap in a restraunt I'm gonna throw food at him. Sheesh. I always wondered if those scruffy guys girfriends like the road rash they get when they make out,..,.,.,,:sneaky2:
I think the scruffy look is a result of the backlash of the multiblade cartridge shaving expenses. A lot of my friends are the shaggy types... and when I ask why, it's because they hate shaving and are irritated by the costs. When I try to sell wet-shaving it's viewed as another form of shaving that they will hate. They have no idea what they are missing. I skip a day shaving on the weekend, just because it seems to be good to rest the skin one day.

That said, I offer no excuses for the baseball cap hooligans!!
Maybe it's to do with the rising costs. Like over engineered and over priced Braun electric shavers and over priced Wilkinson Sword multiblades. And the cost of electricity to charge the electric one.
Maybe this is the answer -
$Viceroymanraz (4).JPG
I'm ashamed to say at the moment I am scruffy. I know, I know I have a good reason though. I was headbutted by an 8 year old and have a rather unsightly purple patch on my face, I have decided not to shave for a couple of days until it's a little less obvious. I actually feel unclean at the moment, I last shaved on Sunday and I feel like a proper hobo. If it's any consolation you should see the 8 year old! Ok I was messing about with my friend and his 2 kids and ended up copping a head-but from his son, purely accidental but I managed to sink my teeth into my bottom lip and he managed to simultaneously burst said lip and leave a lovely purple patch just below it. A firm thrashing was swiftly delivered, after which we all agreed he was a charming young lad.
I am a former scruffy guy. Just really hated shaving. Tried all the new Gillettes, Schicks, disposables, top of the line BrAuns. Always had irritation / ingrowns. Took a few days off this week after a horrible straight shave by someone else; couldn't believe how uncomfortable the scruff was especially considering that I used to keep it much longer that 3 days.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
If I see someone with a baseball cap on inside I like to ask if they are going in next inning.

I feel bad for anyone who didn't get to shave today. It's really a shame.
Why does it bother you guys to see someone wearing a hat indoors?

Ever think the guy is covering a bald spot, bad haircut, or just doesn't like the appearance of hat head?
You never see a gentleman with a bowler on indoors. Why should a baseball cap wearing hooligan not offer gentlemanly courtesy? Just kidding. I love ballcaps and wear one whenever I'm out and about. I always take it off when indoors though... except at the mall... that's not really indoors.
I am of the younger aged crowd here. I was always taught to not were a ball cap or any hat indoors, when I am out and about running errands, in class, etc. I almost always take it off when I am going inside. However when I am at work at the archery shop I am usually wearing a hat from one of our vendors.

I am always clean shaven though, due to a bout of frostbite on my chin that killed off some of the follicles right where my cheeks meet my chin. If I don't shave it just looks odd, and I prefer being clean shaven.
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