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Screwed up

Yesterday I was going to tighten one of my straights a little bit as the blade was a little bit loose, but I managed to tighten it to much I guess so now the blade does not center straight anymore, I have to guide it into the scales. :sad:

Does anyone have a solution to solve this?

Is the only thing to do to replace the pin? If so where can I get some?
(Actually I could use some anyway, so if someone can tell me where to get them I'd appreciate it)

Yesterday I was going to tighten one of my straights a little bit as the blade was a little bit loose, but I managed to tighten it to much I guess so now the blade does not center straight anymore, I have to guide it into the scales. :sad:

Does anyone have a solution to solve this?

Is the only thing to do to replace the pin? If so where can I get some?
(Actually I could use some anyway, so if someone can tell me where to get them I'd appreciate it)

RC cars / airplane shops always has them.
Or some hard ware stores.
Online there is eBay or any of the shops targeting knife-makers.
https://www.nordellknives.com/ is my favorite domestic one.
1/16 is what you are looking for.
RC cars / airplane shops always has them.
Or some hard ware stores.
Online there is eBay or any of the shops targeting knife-makers.
https://www.nordellknives.com/ is my favorite domestic one.
1/16 is what you are looking for.

I did a search for 1/16, and all I found was rods, is that all I need? Shouldn't there also be a disc/shim to retain the pin?
I did a search for 1/16, and all I found was rods, is that all I need? Shouldn't there also be a disc/shim to retain the pin?
Yes, you need small washers to.
I see know that they don't have them anymore:glare:

PM me your address & I send some pins & washers your way.
Chances are, when you tighten you may have bent the pin.
All you need is 1/16 brass or nickle silver rod and some size 0 washers.
Or you can do a bolt/nut job. I don't think they look very good but it does the job.
This site has washers or the bolt/nut if you wanted. They don't carry rod.

If you have a welding supply place near you, most carry (or can get) 1/16 brass rod
If it just needs a little tightening all you need is like 4-8 gentle taps per side (make sure each side gets equal treatment) and test. Wee little adjustments at that stage.
You could try moving the blade to and fro in the scales whilst applying gentle pressure in the direction in which you want the blade to go. It might slightly realign a bent pin or rub away the scale material on the dominant side. Watch those fingers!
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