I had a huge urge to post "BIASED 3 BLADED USER" and link him to a sensor twin.
45 minutes ago
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Sad thing is, that's probably better than most guys shave routine...
There isn't enough bandwidth on B&B to list the number of problems with this guy.
Almost every single statement as he listed razors and products had some part of the statement which was wrong.
His technique was horrible with ATG as a first pass.
He repeatedly shaved areas with no shaving cream.
He states that his hair "grew back faster" with the 3 blade, which in normal human speak means that the 2 blade shave was closer than the 3 blade shave.
Finally, and probably most significant, he referred to himself as a "manly man".
Why does he waste half a can of Barbasol just to prove he is using the same amount both times?