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I've asked something similar to this before, I think.

Is there any Splash you could recommend that dosen't smell to much so I can put on perfume right after I've splashed myself.

I got some balms but I must say I like the splashes better, much better.

Only got Floid the spanish version but still.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
2 things come to mind.

1-Witch Hazel unscented
2-Lucido the Japanese Aftershave.
I tried the hydro aftershave from Saint charles and that didn't smell very much. I think Sue has some other aftershaves that don't smell much as well.
I'd go with witch hazel. There's a mild scent, but it goes away and doesn't interfere with a fragrance.

P.S. Great name! :smile:
You might also want to track down some Tüff Sensitiv splash. It's a German AS that has virtually no scent, and it works great!
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