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Scalp shave with DE?

I am quite the newbie to wet-shaving still but have had possibly one successful wet-shave since I began 2 weeks ago after years of cartridge use and I am blown away. I have a question from a buddy who shaves his head with cartridges. Would he benefit from the typical wet-shave applications when shaving his scalp like we do when shaving our face?
I'm a newbie but I've been shaving my head every Friday morning with the same DE I use on my face. First a EJ and last Friday with a Merkur 37C. Great results but, unlike my face, I do it in the shower more by feel than by mirror.
i know a few gents, here, who love using a DE for their scalps; cheaper, smoother, and all-around more pleasurable experience.
I've head shaved with Mach 3's and now DE's and while there is a learning curve, I've found my head to be less trouble than learning to shave my face with a DE. Like OcdLaw said a lot is done by feel, but if your friend is currently cartridge shaving, he'll be kind of doing that anyway. Tell him to take the plunge!:001_smile
I shaved my head last night for the first time using a DE. Pretty upset I didn't try it sooner. For those that shave their face and head if can get pretty expensive. DE is the way to go When shaving your head and face! I would recommend using a preshave oil or gel when shaving your head.
I've been shaving my head pretty much every day for over 10 years (don't remember exactly how long). When I switched to using a DE in December I decided to jump right in and shave my head with it too. My scalp is in better condition than it's ever been. I think lathering my scalp with a brush has been the biggest benefit, along with some AS balm. I'd recommend he starts slow and careful with a mild razor, like a Gillette Tech, and focus on reducing the stubble not getting it BBS then working into multiple passes to get that shine!
Shaving the noggin is a breeze. Just take it slow the first few times. I shave my head at the sink and when done I run it under cold water in the shower and pat dry with a towel. I'd shave in the shower but my showered is tiled and I don't want to take the chance of dropping it in there.
I haven't tried a DE on my head yet but I regularly use a g-bar and get great results. I use Arko or a shave cream and headlather in the shower and then get to it - no problem. SEs with their flat head tend to be great for headshaving.

btw - have I invented the word 'headlather'? just did a B&B search and couldn't find it - w00t! yes I'm a headlatherer.
I am quite the newbie to wet-shaving still but have had possibly one successful wet-shave since I began 2 weeks ago after years of cartridge use and I am blown away. I have a question from a buddy who shaves his head with cartridges. Would he benefit from the typical wet-shave applications when shaving his scalp like we do when shaving our face?

I shaved my head with a MACH for years. I switched to a DE going on 4 weeks now. It takes practice. The first time I uses it on my head I shredded myself. No BS. I had to switch back to the MACH until I had developed a better technique. lately my head shaves have been better but still find myself struggling with blade angle on the back of the head where you shave with mostly "feel" rather than sight. If he does make the jump to DE, just tell him to start out crawling. Read soem of the threads on here and watch some Youtube videos. Go WTG instead of ATG until you get the hang of it. Also, please make him aware of this. You will dull your blades so fast shaving your head. The hair on the sides and back of the head is so course. One good head shave, WTG and the ATG along with a face shave, and your blade will probably be cooked. If I'm in a hurry, i will use my cart razor for a real fast head shave. I'm not good enough to whip out a 3 min head shave with a DE. I cant stress this next statement enough.... do no apply pressure to the DE. Just use the weight of the razor. You will shred your head all up. Oh, and watch your ears. Jesus watch your ears. I accidentally touched my ear with the blade and I was pouring blood. Looked cool as hell but hurt. Hope this helps. From one new dude to the next.
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