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SC and AS in a freezing car

Would it be a bad idea to leave my shaving gear in my car all day once the temps get down to 0-10 F? It's either that or I bring it into the office with me, which isn't a huge deal, just more to carry with me on my walk to work. In particular I'm worried about creams and after shave balms. I think soaps and splashes would probably be fine.
Just my two cents....

They were probably delivered to your local store via truck. Said truck may have been in below freezing temps sometime during the journey or even stopped overnight at a truck stop in below freezing temps.

As long as the label does not warn you of protecting your good from freezing, I wouldn't worry too much.
I wouldn't plan on using the cream for a while after bringing it up to temp. I excitedly tried to use a cream fresh off the UPS truck in the winter and the consistency wasn't right. So I let it sit for a day or two and all was well.
It would be warming up at least overnight, if not for a few days since I rarely shave with the same thing two days in a row.

Let me know how freezing the MR Balsam goes.
The Musgo Real behaved very nicely in the freezer, and did not shatter or crack despite being made of glass and over 95% full.

It was, of course, unusable when I took it out as it had frozen solid and could not be poured.

The next day it had thawed out and was back to its old self!
I do not believe it would affect the shaving cream, but the aftershave will be fine. Alcohol does not freeze at 32°F/0°C, so you should be fine.
Just my two cents....

They were probably delivered to your local store via truck. Said truck may have been in below freezing temps sometime during the journey or even stopped overnight at a truck stop in below freezing temps.

As long as the label does not warn you of protecting your good from freezing, I wouldn't worry too much.
I've unloaded a lot of trucks that have sat overnight in freezing weather ... and handled many bottles of shampoo, liquid hand soap, and other personal care items that have burst and leaked due to the freeze.

My advice would be to take it inside. If you have a desk or a locker, just leave it in there all the time, so you have less to carry on your daily commute.
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