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I'm frustrated....

Because I feel like I've wasted half my life not knowing there were such great scents that could be used after a shave. I just tried sandalwood AS from SCS, and could not believe how nice that scent was. Are all sandalwoods this great? How do others compare with SCS? Which do you recommend?
Sandalwood is a notoriously variable scent, mainly because it is very rarely made from actual mysore sandalwood essential oil. Thus, the scent ranges from extremely synthetic, non-sandalwood-related smells like Trumper's Sandalwood (which is an OK scent nonetheless, but not really that sandalwood-y) to leathery-woody, creamy-woody, sweet-woody, etc.

So order samples?
Are all sandalwoods this great? How do others compare with SCS? Which do you recommend?
You might want to check out the other sandalwood threads.

Sandalwood is a notoriously variable scent, mainly because it is very rarely made from actual mysore sandalwood essential oil. Thus, the scent ranges from extremely synthetic, non-sandalwood-related smells like Trumper's Sandalwood (which is an OK scent nonetheless, but not really that sandalwood-y) to leathery-woody, creamy-woody, sweet-woody, etc.
...and some scents labeled as "sandalwood" clearly are not just sandalwood. I really like DR Harris's sandalwood aftershave but there's a lot more than just sandalwood in it. TOBS sandalwood (soap -- haven't tried their other stuff) seems to be more than just sandalwood as well.
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My favorite scent and the DR Harris tops the splash list for me, a great shave routine is shower with sandalwood soap, lather with Trumpers sandalwood cream and follow with Harris.....wow! Lime fragrances are a close second :001_smile
Nobody has mentioned it yet, so I'll put in a vote for AoS sandalwood - both the cream and ASB.

+1 on the balm, and on the shaving soap--both have a wonderful scent. That said, I don't know many other sandalwood products for comparison purposes, but I do know what I like. ;)
Another vote for the Dr. Harris sandalwood. Great stuff! The Ogallala Bay Rum & sandalwood is outstanding too. I haven't tried the TOBS yet but it tops a lot of lists. Might need to speak with Santa about this...
TOBS sandalwood splash and D.R. Harris sandalwood splash are similar in my opinion. Both are spicy and to an extent flowery (which I love). Neither have a very dry, woody smell to me that mysore sandalwood has. Have not tried AOS, so can't comment on it.

Slight delay for a little research! To me Tam Dao (not available in an aftershave) is the closest I have encountered to smelling like sandalwood wood. Next closest that I have experienced is Caswell-Massey sandalwood cologne. C-M has a sandalwood balm which I have not smelled; doesn't have a splash. Both are dry.
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Another vote for the Dr. Harris sandalwood. Great stuff! The Ogallala Bay Rum & sandalwood is outstanding too. I haven't tried the TOBS yet but it tops a lot of lists. Might need to speak with Santa about this...

Agree on the Ogallala Bay Rum & Sadalwood. It took me some time to get used to this but I really like it now.
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