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Sandalwood creams I should try

I have tried only the Salter's Indian Sandalwood, and I really like the scent, but find the lather just so-so. What else is out there?
I would definitely try Vulfix Sandalwood. It doesn't smell like sandalwood that much, more like your grandmother's house while she's baking cookies--it's unusual but quite nice. I also like the TOBS Sandalwood and C&E Sandalwood.

If you're into sandalwood, as I assume you are, do yourself a favour and try out some Tam Dao edt...
im about to finish off my tobs sandalwood. i recommend trying it if youre looking to get more sandalwood. you wont be disappointed. at least i wasnt.
art of shaving sandalwood smells great. ignore any BS you hear on the price. it provides a great, close, and comfortable shave. you also should be able to get it locally.
AOS uses real sandalwood oil as opposed to the artificial scents that most others use. Of the few that I have tried, it stands out from the pack - well worth the price IMO.
I have not used any other Sandalwood creams but presently have a tub of AOS Sandalwood. If it's the best as folks say, I don't want to try any others. It smells fantastic and even as new as I am to building lather, I can still make this stuff 'splode into lather.
IMHO Green Pond Sandalwood Cream is excellent.

I second the recommendation. It's actually re-branded D.R. Harris shaving cream, at a better price (a whole lot better if you take advantage of Green Pond's two-tub discount). D.R. Harris makes no sandalwood cream under their own name, so a number of people don't even know there is such a thing as Harris sandalwood cream. It might make a nice paring with the Harris sandalwood aftershave, although I've not smelled the AS, so I can't really say.
I second the recommendation. It's actually re-branded D.R. Harris shaving cream, at a better price (a whole lot better if you take advantage of Green Pond's two-tub discount).
Interesting, as the two are completely different consistency wise. Perhaps I had a bad tub of the Harris. Anyway, the AOS is great stuff, and the scent is outstanding.
Interesting, as the two are completely different consistency wise. Perhaps I had a bad tub of the Harris. Anyway, the AOS is great stuff, and the scent is outstanding.

I should qualify my recommendation. I can't speak for Dick, but my tub of Green Pond dates back to just before the supposed "reformulation" of D.R. Harris creams. The reformulation is flatly denied by Harris, but those who know the line swear the newer creams are not the same, and not for the better. I have not purchased any Harris creams since that time, so I cannot comment on whatever changes have occurred. Moreover, I don't know if this supposed change has affected the Green Pond cream or not. How old is your tub of Harris? And in what way is the consistency between the two different? The Green Pond I have is super dense, like the old Harris lavender tubs with both Royal Warrants on them. Good stuff. I hope it remains that way.

FYI, in case you're in doubt about Green Pond being re-branded Harris, the Green Pond tubs have the Harris logo on the bottom of them; Green Pond has also confirmed that Harris supplies their cream.
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I was wanting to recommend my favorite - C&E Sandalwood. However, in light of the fact that it disappeared from the screen several months ago, then my local outlet disappeared, followed by C&E filling chapter 11 in the U.S., I was reluctant to mention it - no use chasing a dead issue. But it appears to be back!! The C&E website is again listing Sandalwood! Wonderful aroma, easy and forgiving in building lather, and a magnificient shave!!!
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