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Sandalwood cologne

I'm searching for a sandalwood cologne. I have tested the GFT sandalwood cologne and liked the sample.

The only other experience with purer sandalwood scents is the GFT and AOS creams. I thought GFT was ok but AOS was spectacular!

So any other recommendation for brands to sample?
I'm sure people on this board are tired of hearing me say this but Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood is a great, cheap fragrance. It's a super smooth sandalwood. I believe they ship overseas as well. The product is so inexpensive that the rise in shipping price shouldn't kill too much.
I use Elizabeth Arden's Sandalwood Edc for men in my rotation.
I don't think that it is a pure Sandalwood smell, as it has a kind of soapy smell mixed in as well. But nice nether the less.
Also Crabtree and Evelyn make a Sandalwood Edc (still?), while I haven't tried it, if it is anything like the AS lotion the smell would be wonderful.
Just my .02c

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I use Elizabeth Arden's Sandalwood Edc for men in my rotation.
I don't think that it is a pure Sandalwood smell, as it has a kind of soapy smell mixed in as well. But nice nether the less.
Also Crabtree and Evelyn make a Sandalwood Edc (still?), while I haven't tried it, if it is anything like the AS lotion the smell would be wonderful.
Just my .02c

+1 on Elizabeth Arden Sandalwood, not sure if it is still made, check out Amazon, that is where I got mine from - large bottle for some $15.
I like both the C&E Sandlewood, which is still available for $40/100 ml, and the Diptyque Tam Dao, which I just saw on Amazon for $88/50 ml. I find the two somewhat similar, particularly as compared to the TOB or GFT Sandlewood, and between these two for the price difference, I'd recommend the C&E.

I agree that the Arden is a good starting place. Although it is out of production, it's still easy to find. Sandalwood augmented with lavender is how it strikes me. Reasonably priced and pretty nice. As you move up in price, there is C&E's Sandalwood, which is OK but doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Art of Shaving has, I think, a solid sandalwood too.

At the higher price points, Tam Dao is certainly a beautiful fragrance. Many of the other respected houses produce a sandalwood too, but I haven't tried them yet.

When I was in Whole Foods yesterday, I happened to notice that sandalwood essential oil was selling for $60 for .5 oz. Sandalwood trees in South Asia have been overharvested and the prices are only going to go up.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
I agree that the Arden is a good starting place. Although it is out of production, it's still easy to find. Sandalwood augmented with lavender is how it strikes me. Reasonably priced and pretty nice. As you move up in price, there is C&E's Sandalwood, which is OK but doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Art of Shaving has, I think, a solid sandalwood too.

At the higher price points, Tam Dao is certainly a beautiful fragrance. Many of the other respected houses produce a sandalwood too, but I haven't tried them yet.

When I was in Whole Foods yesterday, I happened to notice that sandalwood essential oil was selling for $60 for .5 oz. Sandalwood trees in South Asia have been overharvested and the prices are only going to go up.

Holy cow!! I knew it is not a cheapie, but $60 for 1/2 oz???
BTW, Tam Dao is great, too - have only used it as a sample.
Tam Dao by Diptyque is worth trying - pretty linear high quality sandalwood with a hint of cedar.

+1 on Tam Dao + AOS Sandalwood

Caswell Massey Sandalwood
Etro Sandalo
Hermes Bel Ami
Caswell Massey Tricorn

SCS has a nice Sandalwood splash, but the scent is more almonds/patchouli than Sandalwood to me.

of course, and as always, YMMV.

and +10 on the subject of poaching and overharvesting...I got a steal on some Mysore Sandalwood EO on ebay, but as great as it smells I can't help but wonder if it's the herbal equivalent of blood diamonds.

I may have to redirect my Sandal-fetish to other woods.
I'm not necessary looking for a pure sandalwood scent. Have not tried any sandalwood products until a week ago when I bought the AOS sandalwood cream and was blown away. At the same time I got the GFT sandalwood cologne sample and liked it. I liked the subtle woody scent. Not overpowering and clean without floral or to musky tones.

I will definitely look into some of the suggestions above. Thanks!
Good thread! I've been trying out Sandalwoods myself. I bought a bottle of AOS Sandalwood at my bros recommendation and I love it.

I've tried a sample of the Ogallala BR and Sandalwood and it's just not my bag.

I guess I'll be giving Tam Dao a shot next.
C-M Sandalwood is a dry sandalwood scent which I like and use frequently. I also have C-M Tricorn, which is quite a bit amber, at least to me. C&E Sandalwood cologne smells just exactly like their shaving cream.
I love the AOS sandalwood cologne.

More importantly so does SWMBO... actually she's the one the bought it for me!
How does the Tam Dao compare to the AOS?
I want a more pure sandalwood with staying power that will complement the B&B soap from QED. (Which has some staying power for a soap by the way)

I have tried the AOS (is it a straight plain pure EO?) but never smelled the Tam Dao. Somebody that has both compare these for me please.
The Trumper Sandalwood sucks. It shouldn't even be CALLED Sandalwood.

Tam Dao is amazing.

Caswell-Massey skews a bit too much toward the sweet side for my tastes.

But I'll say it before and I'll say it again....the BEST sandalwood fragrance you can get without paying a lor is to get the Sandalwood Incense Oil & Roll On from Nandita Fragrances. $8 for an 8ml vial and it smells just like the actual sandalwood. Don't let the word "incense" put you off, it's not an incense smell at all. It's sandalwood without anything else cluttering it up. I doubt it's EO-based, but believe me, it smells just like the actual wood. You only need a little, too, and it lasts all day.
I'm a big fan of MPG's Santal Noble. A very deep, resinous sandalwood with touches of coffee and vetiver. Its worth trying! One of my favorite scents for cooler weather and formal/evening wear.
Nandita Fragrances... Just looked for it and cannot find it. Anyone got a link to a store online that has it. Amazon, eBay both were out of it. Tried Tom's too no luck with a google search.
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