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Saint Charles Shave and Razorock Fragrances

Anyone ware any of the Saint Charles Shave fragrances. I was thinking about ordering a few samples. Any suggestions?

And as the title suggests, what about any of the Razorock fragrances?

Help me feed my addiction!!! Haha....
I recently got Saint Charles New Spice cologne and matching aftershave. Really like it. I'm not great with describing scents, but this is the description Wendy sent me:

"The New Spice is sharp, oriental, woody fragrance with a blend of mint, coffee, caramel, lavender, and tar."
"The Very V is
smokey Vetyver blended with Lavender, florals and Neroli with hints of Amber and subdued Musk."

Those are the description for the two scents I asked about. I only went with the New Spice, but it smells great. I will be getting more again in the future.
I didn't like the RR scents. Wendy makes probably the best Bay Rum out there, scent wise. Though, it makes me sneeze every time I spray it.

Ask Wendy @ SCS for her NEW scent for men. It's freaking insanely awesome.
Hmmm.....even after showering and washing your hands?

Very V will stay close for a very long time on me. Good thing I really like it.

Oakmoss and Lavendula is awesome, too. I really like Blend 2-11, Lavender and Savory Rose as well. Heck, I like most all of them. The only EDTs I do not love are New Spice and Parma Violet. I still use them but they will not be replaced.
Hmmm.....even after showering and washing your hands?

I can smell it on me because I use unscented Dove soap in the shower. If I used something else, maybe I couldn't smell it. The point is, that the scent doesn't fade, it's got a nice, strong fragrance, and I'm very pleased with the performance of the cologne. The aftershave on the otherhand, the scent doesn't last as long, so you can take that into account also.
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