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Safety Razors: Heavier Body = Better Shave?

Being that I'm a safety razor newb, I wanted to know from more experience safety razor users that, giving the same circumstances (same razor), do you find that the heavier the body of the handle the better shave you get?
When I first started - a lot of people suggested the Merkur 34. I ended up going with the 38 for the very reason you mention. One of the best things one can do is "let the razor do the work and apply no pressure." I find this easier to put into practice with a heavier razor.

I have a little Gillette travel tech for when I am on the go. My technique I think is decent enough now that I can get a great shave out of this razor. However, I certainly would not have wanted to try this as my first razor. It's small size and light weight would have enticed me to apply too much pressure.

While everyone's MMV, I think a little heavier razor allows you to have better practice letting the weight of the razor do the work. Just my 2 cents and I'm still a relative noob.
When I first started I felt a heavier razor was better for me. As I gain more experience and perfect my technique I'm finding I can shave just as well with lighter razors but I still prefer a heavier razor. I just like the way a heavier razor feels.
i like a heavy razor myself, the weight does the work for you, but some of the lighter razors can do just as good a job with practice, blade gap is another thing, you have to be that bit more carefull, but boy do you get a close shave.
Early on, heavy handles were a big help for me because they pushed the center of balance back away from the head, making it easier to shave with a light touch.
When I first started I felt a heavier razor was better for me. As I gain more experience and perfect my technique I'm finding I can shave just as well with lighter razors but I still prefer a heavier razor. I just like the way a heavier razor feels.

+1 As a noob this is me too.
I'm in the heavier camp. I thought my Speed Adjustable was as good as it got until I got my Futur. Have a few on the heavy side and they tend to be my go to razors.
I do like the feel of a heavy razor, but I don't "let the razor do the work". I prefer proactive control, especially with touchups and neck work, where gravity isn't the solution to precision anyway.
It depends on the razor, but generally, I like a heavier handle. It makes me feel like a big shot in the morning when I'm holding something of high quality with a heavy handle. My favorite razor is an Edwin Jagger Bulbous that comes in at a hefty 114 grams.
I own both a lightweight and heavier razor. Both have pro's & cons. The heavier is more efficient at clearing the larger areas of my face, but it can't compare with the nimbleness of the lighter one when I'm working the problem areas on my neck, chin and under my nose. I believe weight isn't as important to what feels best in you hand. Can someone accomplish a great shave with any razor & blade combination? Sure, its just gonna be easier to accomplish with something that feels like an extension of your own body.
I get great shaves from heavy (39C) and light (23C and Gillette SS). I don't know that the razor weight makes any difference in shave quality.


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I'm usually liking the heavier razors, as members have mentioned they seem to provide a better feel for "apply no pressure". I can do a short-handled New Delux, but have never gotten anything but blehw from a Tech. Conversely, I love my Schick Adjustable, which has virtually no mass compared to a Cooncat Bull Mastiff or a Tradere. But even wide open the Type M is hard to apply too much pressure with.

I think the answer lies somewheres between preference, experience, and beard type ..

So, is "I Dunno" a better answer than "YMMV"?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It depends upon the person, his knowledge, his skill, and his personality. Personally I believe a heavier razor offers an advantage. I suggest you shave with a lightweight, medium weight, and heavy weight razor and made your own decision.
In my experience, heavy handles helped with razors (Fatip, R41) that were giving me some problems initially.
Once I could shave well with the razor, I realised that its lighter (original) handle works better. My hands automatically adjust for the right pressure based on the feel on the skin. In fact, the heavy handle seems to apply too much pressure on its own. Now my R41 and Fatip are paired with their original handles.

Heavy handles I have (some sold off): tradere, weber bulldog, weber classic, sabi T1
If it feels better, then it is better.

But, given that the stroke ideally involves the whole arm with the shoulder as the pivot, we are talking about a razor/arm combo of what, 12 pounds or so? Adding or subtracting a few grams for different type razors is a negligible effect on the whole.
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