I just started using a Safety Razor (Merkur HD with Feather Blades). this is one of the best things I have done. I can't believe how close of a shave I get now, compared to my old Schick Super II blades. I am 42 years old and I wish I had started with a Safety Razor many years ago.
The question I have is the following, I have been using an Over the Counter Noxzema for Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream, and my Merkur HD Razor has developed this white film coating. How can I keep my Merkur HD Razor looking shiny and new?
The question I have is the following, I have been using an Over the Counter Noxzema for Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream, and my Merkur HD Razor has developed this white film coating. How can I keep my Merkur HD Razor looking shiny and new?