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Safety Razor Comment



I just started using a Safety Razor (Merkur HD with Feather Blades). this is one of the best things I have done. I can't believe how close of a shave I get now, compared to my old Schick Super II blades. I am 42 years old and I wish I had started with a Safety Razor many years ago.

The question I have is the following, I have been using an Over the Counter Noxzema for Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream, and my Merkur HD Razor has developed this white film coating. How can I keep my Merkur HD Razor looking shiny and new?
any cream/soap will leave that film, regardless of what you do. If you want, dissasemble the razor completely every once in a while, and using warm water and dish soap with a soft bristled brush, you can wash the gunk off. From what i gather, the white stuf won't damage the razor, but i'll let the veterans chip in with more info.
Welcome to B&B.
A good soaking in scrubbing bubbles followed by a light scrubbing with a toothbrush should get your razor good as new.
All the recommendations are good for treating soap scum buildup once it occurs. I find that by spraying the razor with alcohol after the shave and wiping it off, that keeps much of the soap scum from building in the first place. Some will still build up in hard-to-reach places, so you'll still have to do a thorough cleaning from time to time, but the alcohol will keep most of the visible parts of the razor looking clean on a day to day basis.
I just started using a Safety Razor (Merkur HD with Feather Blades). this is one of the best things I have done. I can't believe how close of a shave I get now, compared to my old Schick Super II blades. I am 42 years old and I wish I had started with a Safety Razor many years ago.

The question I have is the following, I have been using an Over the Counter Noxzema for Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream, and my Merkur HD Razor has developed this white film coating. How can I keep my Merkur HD Razor looking shiny and new?

Maybe you need a prescription shave cream :tongue_sm
Scrubbing Bubbles. Eats off the scum and water spots great. I spray it twice, let it sit a bit then use a toothbrush to give it a good scrubbing. Keeps them clean and shiny.
Get a water softener, my razor used to have a film that needed to be wiped off everyday. Now I just rinse and shake, no fuss no muss.
Just use an old toothbrush and a small dab of toothpaste. The paste is a mild abrasive but it won't scratch your razor. Try the toothpaste, brush, and cold water for cleaning jewelry too. :biggrin: :tongue: :001_rolle
I squirt my razor with a spray or two of bathroom cleaner (anything that says "tough on soap scum" or similar), let stand for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water. It takes no time at all if you do it at the same time as cleaning your bathroom basin.
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