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Safe products in Australia for cleaning and shining?

Looking for some assistance from the Aussies around. Which products are safe/gentle to use to clean and shine up razors?

I have read some horror stories about people using the wrong product and it has ruined the look of their razors. I want to clean and shine mine but using tried and tested products available in Australia.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Brasso comes to mind, I never used it myself. Dishsoap. I sometimes use javel but you need to dilude it and soak for a maximum of 10 minutes. Even there, it doesn't work on gold razors (I think). I usually use baking soda and vinegar for stains, but you need to be careful with this one too. Boiling the razor is safe (when you don't have any plastic parts) and I always end up with the good old UV. The sun can always kill some germs but you will need to place them in a secure place... Birds might want them, shiny objects...
I’ve used Silvo, which I think is virtually the same as Brasso, and Shower Power spray for removing soap scum. They both worked a treat. Just remember to use a little bit at the start in an inconspicuous place just in case.:smile:
is braso the one available in woolies? I think ive seen it there, or was the borax?!?

So, I should boil it and then use braso? Is that a polish paste?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
is braso the one available in woolies? I think ive seen it there, or was the borax?!?

So, I should boil it and then use braso? Is that a polish paste?

I saw it at Coles but it might be available at Safeways, who knowns... I think it's a paste yes and I would use some gloves to do this!
Have been using Autosol for many years,works a treat. Available at Repco and auto shops, comes in a tube and is a very mild abrasive.
Have been using Autosol for many years,works a treat. Available at Repco and auto shops, comes in a tube and is a very mild abrasive.

Doh'! Now I don't know which to get. I suppose I want the best for gentle scrubbing and polishing. Would autosol be best for this?
I use Pine-O-Clean "Basin Bath Tile" on my Futur and it gets it back to absolute brand new state when really gunky - once every three to four months or so.

Didn't go very well on a gold-coloured old razor - came out white....
All the metal polishes are in the cleaning section of most larger supermarkets. While you are there get some standard bathroom cleaner for removing heavy soap scum and a big bottle of cleaning vinegar for cleaning your brush from time to time.
Before polishing my razors,I fill a bowl with warm water,dunk the razor in, and proceed to attack it ruthlessly with a tooth brush and good old tooth paste.:wink:Works a treat on scum and rust stains.:biggrin:
Silvo isn't as harsh as Brasso, so its a little safer.

Brasso is an abrasive (albeit a mild one) and will remove plating eventually, Silvo isn't (it's a mix of solvents and soap according to the ingredient list) and is (on the UK stuff at least) recommended for silver, electroplate and gold.
All the metal polishes are in the cleaning section of most larger supermarkets. While you are there get some standard bathroom cleaner for removing heavy soap scum and a big bottle of cleaning vinegar for cleaning your brush from time to time.

Thanks, ill check out whats at the supermarket and see how I go. I didn't know there was cleaning vinegar...I just use standard vinegar with a 10:1 water to vinegar ratio.

Before polishing my razors,I fill a bowl with warm water,dunk the razor in, and proceed to attack it ruthlessly with a tooth brush and good old tooth paste.:wink:Works a treat on scum and rust stains.:biggrin:

Yep, this is what I do to clean the razor so that it is ready for use. The handle has what seems to be a bit of rust/brassing which I want to remove using a gentle scrub/polish.

+ 1. Autosol did a nice clean up job on my recently arrived Slim Adjustable.

autosol seems to be a popular one, ill check that out too.

Brasso is an abrasive (albeit a mild one) and will remove plating eventually, Silvo isn't (it's a mix of solvents and soap according to the ingredient list) and is (on the UK stuff at least) recommended for silver, electroplate and gold.

Thanks, wont take the risk with Brasso, silvo is another one for me to consider along with autosol. I wonder how these 2 compare, anyone know?
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