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Saddleback Belt Question

I say it's more of a casual belt. Not quite dressy enough for me to wear with a suit. Maybe a sport coat and jeans.
Ok, thanks.

Some of the Allen Edmonds belts look nice, too. Anyone have any experience with those?
Definitely too clunky to be a dress belt. I have one and while I love it, it is more for jeans.

As for the AE belts, I picked one of these up at Nordstrom a couple months ago and have been very happy with it. No complaints so far but it will be seen how long it lasts. I'm hoping that it holds together pretty well for the price.
Ok, thanks.

Some of the Allen Edmonds belts look nice, too. Anyone have any experience with those?

That belt is very casual, but if you think you can get away with it, then do it up. I have AE dress belts and they are very nice and very well made.
I might get barked at for saying this, but I would find it absoultely insane to spend that much for a belt, especially the first one. I have two belts just like that, both black with nickle buckles. One I wear 3-4 days a week. I paid around $25 for each of them. (the only reason I have two is because I went on a trip and forgot my other one) Just a strip of black leather, I mean, come on!
I might get barked at for saying this, but I would find it absoultely insane to spend that much for a belt, especially the first one. I have two belts just like that, both black with nickle buckles. One I wear 3-4 days a week. I paid around $25 for each of them. (the only reason I have two is because I went on a trip and forgot my other one) Just a strip of black leather, I mean, come on!

That's also what I thought when I first saw these. The wife ended up getting one for me for Christmas. I couldn't believe the thickness of the belt. It's easily twice as think as any other belt I own. The buckle will break before I could ever stretch out one of the eyes.
Holy crap they're back in stock! I've been sitting on a Saddleback wallet for a little over 6 months now, and that thing is just about indestructible. Still looks as good as the day it came out of the box. Just starting to get broken in, it's a gem. I'm looking forward to the life out of this one. I've been waiting for the belts to be in stock since before I got the wallet.

They're expensive, sure. But I feel a product like this is the ultimate "you get what you pay for". Quality stuff out of Saddleback, and you're paying for the product, not the name.
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