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Rye and?

How do you like your rye? (straight rye and Canadian whisky)

Coke, ginger...any other sodas on the list?
I have recently tried a few "Old Fashioned" cocktails and they were most enjoyable. Otherwise, I tend to drink my whisk(e)y straight.
Its Canadian whisky, you know...subtle, not much flavour, made for mixing. Scotch and Bourbon, a few drops of water to open it up but Canadian whisky is just weak and boring, I need to mix it.
Thanks folks.

I made a rye and ginger with dashes of bitters. It works.
I'm sipping rye and playing the tune Rye Whisky on my banjo. Doesn't get any better.
evidently the state of Pa does not think rye is very important since the only rye my local state store carries is the Jim Beam rye which is a decent rye but I would love to try some others , however I have used the jb for my old fashioneds and manhattans lately and with the right bitters has changed my view on both of these drinks.


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I usually drink Canadian Club. I just started a Canadian Club Sherry bottle (aged for at least 8 years in sherry casks). I always drink mine neat.
Rye and Ginger is a staple for me, as well as a cocktail called a bitter branch... also enjoy rye neat, or with a cube of ice.

One thing that took the rye & ginger over the top for me was to make my own fresh ginger syrup... oooh yeah! There are many versions of this that I've found, but what I like best is the no-heat version. I have a juicer, so I juice some fresh ginger, then put it in a mason jar with some organic cane sugar.. any recipes I've found call for a 2:1 ratio (2 parts sugar), but I've been rollin' with a 1:1 ratio, just to keep things as spicy as possible.. I juice the ginger, add an equal amount of sugar, seal the jar and shake it until the sugar is dissolved. I top that off with a small amount of vodka (maybe 1oz. added to 16oz of syrup) , as a preservative.. it'll last several weeks in the fridge this way. Probably months, but I haven't really had to worry about it.. too tasty to last that long! I then mix my rye and ginger syrup together in a glass, 1-2oz of each, depending on how big the glass is (or how thirsty I am) and stir.. this helps thin the syrup, making it easier to mix with some carbonated water (I use a sodastream & filtered water).. ice, soda water, squeeze in a lime wedge.. yes! The syrup is also good for a nice ginger ale (just with soda and a little squeeze of lime).. I also mix it into yogurt or on top of ice cream.

Then, when I'm REALLY thirsty..

Bitter Branch (by Pip Hanson)
3 oz rye
1 oz Cynar
.5 oz nocino (or nocello)
1 dash salt water

Combine rye, Cynar, nocino and salt water in a mixing glass, stir with ice, then strain into a chilled rocks glass. Garnish with an orange twist and a candied walnut.

To make the salt water, combine 2 Tbs sea salt into a 1/2 cup boiling water, stirring till dissolved and chill, or follow instructions here.

This cocktail is too good to describe.. nutty, earthy, very slightly sweet with that dash of salt... folks I've made it for are quite surprised that it's mostly Rye. Be real careful with the salt water.. for me, this is the make it or break it ingredient.. get it just right and it makes the whole thing swing.. too much is a deal breaker, and not enough makes it kinda flat.

So many Ryes I haven't yet tried, but I like Old Overholt, Bulleit, Rittenhouse and Sazerac quite a bit.. the Rittenhouse is hard to get here, but is awesome! I don't mix that one. I want to try the Knob Creek.. many others, too.. I hear WhistlePig Rye is really good, but it's expensive.
What is this "and" of which you speak? :smile: (Wild Turkey 101 Rye, neat, for sipping)

I also buy really cheap Canadian whiskey (McAdams) for stuff like whiskey sours and boilermakers, but it has no rye character that I can taste.
I bet that 101 Rye is good... all we can get here is the 80-some-odd proof Wild Turkey Rye.. not as good, from what I understand, so I haven't tried it.
I bet that 101 Rye is good... all we can get here is the 80-some-odd proof Wild Turkey Rye.. not as good, from what I understand, so I haven't tried it.

thats because the WT101 rye is GONE..(very sad) I have hoarded 3 bottles from last year when i heard it was getting replaced by the crappy 81 proof version
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