Here's a few pic's of my new Flat Top from Rudy Vey,these are the pic's Rudy sent me,I'll post more pic's when the brush blooms out
The handle is Sambar Antler and has some weight to it,on the bottom, the porious area was drilled out and a abalone disk inserted.The brush itself is a Shavemac D01,2 band flat top knot, 20mm and a loft of 42mm.I wanted to keep the brush as natural as possible and Rudy did a great job,pictures really do not do justice to this brush
Thanks again Rudy!!
The handle is Sambar Antler and has some weight to it,on the bottom, the porious area was drilled out and a abalone disk inserted.The brush itself is a Shavemac D01,2 band flat top knot, 20mm and a loft of 42mm.I wanted to keep the brush as natural as possible and Rudy did a great job,pictures really do not do justice to this brush
Thanks again Rudy!!