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Russian Adjustable Shaving Saga

One week ago I purchased 3 razors called "Britvenny Apparat Ideal" (Shaving Device Ideal in English) which is compared on this Forum as a clone of Gillette Slim Adjustable.
They're cost me only 450 rubles total and 150 rubles per one razor (it's about 15 USD for 3 razors so one razor is cost only 5 bucks). They are selling as NOS in plastic case and paper box with short manual at "Zavod imeny M.I. Kalinina" (Plant of M.I. Kalinin).

I suppose they sell their rests of commodity output for cheap. I also think that this razor is so overproduced till 2001 that their remains run so low. Old lady selected for me 3 best razors on her taste from 7-8 other razors. Asked her of selling this product and she said that 1 or 2 razor is sold per day by hipster youngsters which wanted to try something new in old school way.
My personal experience with this razor is still pretty successful. I'm new in wet-shaving and this is my 2nd DE razor after Merkur 25C open comb long handle razor acquired one month ago.

So here's my shaving saga with this Russian adjustable.
1st shaving:
- Britvenny Apparat Ideal (Russia) set on 3 (1st pass), then set on 5 (2nd pass and additional 3rd pass on neck)
- Sputnik Teflon coated blade(Russia) #4 (after replacing from Merkur razor)
- badger brush (German)
- Phyto Expert shaving cream (Russia)
- Phyto Expert aftershave lotion for normal skin (Russia)
- Windsor D.R. Harris aftershave milk (England).
Everything went out well. No cuts, irritations or whatsoever. I felt more close shaving after changed blade exit from 3 to 5 with no worrying.
2nd shaving:
- Britvenny Apparat Ideal (Russia) set on 7 for 3 passes
- Sputnik Teflon coated blade (Russia) #5
- badger brush (German)
- Soapy shaving cream (Svoboda, Russia)
- Vitex aftershave lotion (Belarus)
- Windsor D.R. Harris aftershave milk (England).
The same good result. Again I felt more closer shaving. But I thought that higher number of razor setting compensated the blunting of Sputnik blade.
3rd shaving:
- Britvenny Apparat Ideal (Russia) set on 8 for 3 passes
- Sputnik Teflon coated blade(Russia) #6
- badger brush (German)
- shaving cream Everest (Russia)
- Vitex aftershave lotion(Belarus)

My conclusion. This razor is not so bad. Previously I've read some threads on this Forum about less successful experience with these razors. Or maybe I was a lucky guy who obtained better examples. Adjustment settings work as it should and compensate IMHO blade blunting and provide a closer shaving.

1. Sorry for my terrible written English!
2. Razor #2 goes to my Dad. Razor #3 goes to some friend or stay with me for a while.


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Great review my friend !...I have one of the older 1960's USSR era razors, the Ruben-1 ,and mine shaves just fine,no problems.I have tried most of the Russian creams,but I rank Phyto Expert #1 from Russia,and at least in the top 5 world wide,it is a fantastic cream.Nice to see they have a deodorant as well,no Phyto aftershave ????
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Great review my friend !...I have one of the older 1960's USSR era razors, the Ruben-1 ,and mine shaves just fine,no problems.I have tried most of the Russian creams,but I rank Phyto Expert #1 from Russia,and at least in the top 5 world wide,it is a fantastic cream.Nice to see they have a deodorant as well,no Phyto aftershave ????

Thanks a lot for kind words!
LLC Concern Kalina(Ekaterinburg) produces at least 3 aftershavers in Phyto Expert line:
-Cammomile and Green tea (for normal skin)
-Aloe vera and sage (for sensitive skin)
-Express recovery (alcohol free).

I have both 3. They aren't bad. But alcohol base is very low (only 6% of alcohol).
Now I'm wating Proraso and Speick aftershavers to compare.
Some products I have tried,and found to be of highest quality....


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The Eveline is great as well,I have tried 3 varieyies...The other creams I have never been able to find !


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Nice Review! And don't worry your English was fine, no problems understanding at all. :thumbup:

Love thos older looking bottles Malocchio!
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Nice review. Yeah, your English is 100% better than my Russian! Can you tell me if the Gillette blades produced in the St. Petersburg plant are available in your local stores? If so, which stores?
Nice review. Yeah, your English is 100% better than my Russian! Can you tell me if the Gillette blades produced in the St. Petersburg plant are available in your local stores? If so, which stores?

He-he! Agree with you and It' s hard to argue with:)
As for Gillette blades producing in St. Petersburg.
This is a strange situation. St. Petersburg is a city of 5 billion inhabitants. And Gillette factory producing Astra's, 7 O'clock's, Nacet and Silver Blue blades (which sells all around the world) aren't available in stores of my town. But all we have here is Gillette Rubie platinum and Sputnik teflon coated blades. They are available in different home supplies and cheap perfume stores (Spektr, Ulybka Radugi and other smaller not commercial network stores).
Thank you! That's what I was suspecting. I was hoping otherwise, but that's how it goes I guess. A work associate is going to be in St. Petersburg in July and I was hoping he would be able to pick up some Nacet blades for me.

Привет! Знаете ли Вы, как купить бритву "Идеал" в США или заказать за рубежом?
(Do you know how to buy an "Ideal" razor in the U.S. or order from abroad?)

Привет! Знаете ли Вы, как купить бритву "Идеал" в США или заказать за рубежом?
(Do you know how to buy an "Ideal" razor in the U.S. or order from abroad?)
I see them on U.S. Ebay @ $25 including shipping....The photo of the razor looks more like a used razor,the plating on the head looks well worn,but it is advertised as new..price on ladas ,voskhod blades is good.
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