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Rubberset 400 - size 4 - restoring it - need help

I just got this brush and now I can't screw it open. Can I use pliers? - though I am very afraid I will damage the handle.

After I get it open - any recommendations on the size of the knot? I am thinking of using this for face lathering with soaps mainly - though some creams.

Would high mountain badger know be a good fit?
There is quite a bit around here on this particular brush. Some opt for the ultra badgers, some for the more traditional boar.

I managed to get mine open by dipping just the brush end (sans knot) into boiling water for about 45 seconds. I was then able to get it off by hand. you could try a vise and a strap or pipe wrench with appropriate protection, or a spray like liquid wrench. I did all of those, but the boiling water was what worked.

I found steel wool in grades 000 and 0000 to be perfect for shining it up. but if there are scratches you may want to use some 200 grit sandpaper first.
I used steam but boiling water will work as well. Put rubber gloves on which protects your hands but will give you more grip.

Finest 2 band fan.
So i was in the same boat looking for a knot for the 400 i have narrowed my selections down to TGN Supper finest, Grade A silver tip, or HMW. Not much to say about HMW because not alot of people have used it. but the Finest from TGN seams to be the best knot out there or at least the most popular as far has how it is manufactured and performs and lasts. I want the best knot I can find for this thing I hope I pick the Right one.
The idea of just dipping the brush end is (just like heating a plumbing fitting) the heat expands the metal, if the part that screws on gets hotter than the part it screws onto, then it gets a bit looser. You won't neccessarily get the same effect from heating the whole thing together. But it may be enough to loosen whatever gunk and scale has the threads locked.
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