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Rotation breakers.the one that makes you forget others Not a desert island thread!

I am not looking for the one item "desert island" scenario that is so often discussed. I would like to discuss more of an item that sneaks up on you and you find it taking up most of your rotation without planning for that to happen.

I love variety and never really thought this would happen. I have quite a few soaps, but it's been 2 weeks and all I have been using is Mike's Natural Coconut. Is it bad if I could use this soap exclusively for the rest of my life and not mind? I did use Bigelow once in the period, but I would even give up Bigelow and not care as long as I had Mike's.

The one other item is my cheap badger brush. It a finest badger, but it really surprised me since it was only $15 for a metal razor stand and the brush. I was happily using my Vie-Long horse, which is a great brush, but then I used this one and have only used my Vie Long about three times in a month.

So, do you have anything that took you by surprise and that takes up the majority of your rotation?
Tabac or Mike's barbershop. As far as brushes go I'd say my restored Everready with a TGN finest.
Funny how with the first sign of warm Spring weather my sleepy hand automatically found the Green of Proraso. This after 3-4 months of Tallow, Tallow , Tallow in Arko, The Fat and Cella...
The first shave soap I ever used was Aussie made Palmolive and now many months later I back to using it, it's available from the local supermarket at a low price and it works and smells great.
I would mention my Fatboy but i expected it to be as good as it is so no big surprise huh?
For me it has to be my Parker SR1. I have shaved with it 3 times but it has taken over my rotation. I am considering purchasing another one that is very similar but hopefully looks nicer.(ebay has one in particular that i like the look of)
The Mighty Midget from my dopp kit. I use it once in a while to help further break it in. Its always enjoyable and suprisingly adequate.


Needs milk and a bidet!
mine was Clubman AS. i've been using Proraso for months and on a whim bought Clubman used it once and it stuck. just love the scent! and i know anyone that is within nose distance will think "someone just had a fresh shave".
Merkur 39C, always in my rotation but sometimes I get stuck on it for weeks at a time. Also, regular Aqua Velva- it just works.
I have purchased four and given away two (always well received)- now I just keep one in my travel kit (in a B&B leather holster) and one in a handy location in my shave den. No matter what blade I use in it, it is always there for me. Dozens of vintage razors later- SEs, DEs and injectors- I come back to my trusty little Red Tip and it always gets a few consecutive days before I go on to the next great hope for the rare single pass BBS: $IMG_0151.jpg
I used it today and I am still feeling the love.
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