Looking for suggestions for a good rose scented soap or cream.

Cream - TOBS Rose
Soap - Trumpers Rose
The Prairie Creations Rose Soap is an incredible rose scent. I personally like the TOBS Rose cream, but several find it to old ladyish including my wife. She doesn't find the PC to be that way though. Trumpers probably gets the most praise, although I have never tried it.
triple-milled: Trumper's rose fo sho. Also c&s's #88 soap.
Cold-process: Scs's rosa damascena soap.
Glycerin: Straight razor designs bulgarian rose soap. Chock-full of rose eo, super expensive, incredible lather & scent.
Geo. F. Trumper Rose Shaving Soap
Triple-milled: Trumper's rose fo sho. Also C&S's #88 soap.
Cold-process: SCS's Rosa Damascena soap.
Glycerin: Straight Razor Designs Bulgarian Rose soap. Chock-full of rose EO, super expensive, incredible lather & scent.