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Rooney Best vs Super

Have questions to ask about the differences between a Rooney 3/1 in best and in super. Which would be denser? Which would hold more water? Which would bloom less? I have a BBEv2, but am still shopping for that elusive something that I might like more. Am zeroing in on trying a Semogue boar or going for a Rooney 3/1. Want something for face lathering creams that massages, not caresses, if that makes sense. Have thought of a Simpson X2L in best, but am afraid it may be too broad. I do have two brushes in best and they seem soft enough on the face to me. Would appreciate comments from those who have compared these. Thanks!
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I honestly prefer the best. It is a little stiffer and nearly as soft. And I highly recommend Simpsons best for about the same money as Rooney Super. Well worth it.
I know many might discard ChrisG's comment about the Omega, but some of the Semogue boars really did make me rethink badger--especially at the prices high-end brushes can run.

I really like the Semogue 830, and the Omega 31064 is right up there. Both are worlds softer than the generic boars or the Omega pro line, but still have a lot of backbone.
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