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Rolls razors

Hey guys, I am new to the world of real shaving. This looked like a great site for me to learn from. I have purchased a Merkur 33c, that I purchased three days ago and I cannot believe what I have been missing all these years!
So now my annttenea are raised to the great things that is the world of shaving. Now having said that I have seen the Rolls razor. I think it is neat, not brave enough to try one out per say, but I think I would like to own one. I read an older post (2007) on B&B about this setup, including a contact for Mr. Donofrio. Who is the new owner of Rolls, but the phone # and E mail don't seem to work. Does anyone know if he still is in the game of parts or repair? If anyone knows anything I would greatly appreciate it. I hope to get chat with you fella's as time goes on. Like I said I just bought my first DE, and definetly not the last!
thank you
They made a lot of them and you can find them pretty easily in the box with all papers. The big thing you have to look at is if the hone is cracked. That is the deal breaker. If the hone is good, it is just a question of reconditioning the thing. I had one honed on proper stones as the built in hone didn't have enough to get it back on its own and it was mellow and really nice to shave with. It's no more threatening to use than a de. The case has no problem now maintaining it either.
Just a minor update. I picked up a cased "The Traveler" with paperwork and a spare blade for $12.50. Looks pretty minty, but I will know for absolute sure when it arrives. Anyone think I did good/bad/so-so? Here are some pics from the auction page:

I would be interested in anyone's opinions.
You did great. The one thing I would do is get rid of that evil cork strop and switch it out to the proper leather one.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Decent price for a Traveler. The spare blade is a plus. I have seen better outer cases, though, but the price is right.

I don't hone or strop mine in the case. Better results honing on film and stropping on pasted balsa and the Big Daddy. I don't use the guard, either. It is just in the way, to me, especially when honing and stropping. YMMV.
Rolls moved from leather strops to cork strops with the later Viscount models. I"ll let kcb come back by and explain "evil", but I believe the problem is that they don't hold up as well as leather ("don't age well").

I'm one of those guys that has high hopes for the Rolls (read that as a plural) I own, but has no problems finding all sorts of diversions to keep me from get one in shave ready condition. Maybe when I'm retired...
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My set arrived and WOW!! First thing I noted was how heavy it is! The set was even better than the pictures above show it to be. Absolutely near mint condition! (The spare blade in the small case still is covered in steel grease.) The mechanisms all work as well as I can tell. I am not an expert on these by any stretch of the imagination. The blade that is in the Rolls appeared to be very new looking. When I attached it to the handle and gave it a cursory pull on my arm, it cut hair. Overall, I have to say I am incredibly pleased with this set! Also I noticed the back side of the cork appears to be leather. Is that common with this version? I won't be abandoning the cork. I like to keep it as original as possible. Thank you again for all who threw out some info for me to consider!
Yes, to call any Rolls a 'Traveller' is a bit of a stretch of the imagination.

I have around a dozen Rolls in various states, they usually arrive with auction lots of Straight Razors I pick up. I actually got around to getting one to shave-ready state a while ago and it was actually a great shaver.
Yes, to call any Rolls a 'Traveller' is a bit of a stretch of the imagination.

I have around a dozen Rolls in various states, they usually arrive with auction lots of Straight Razors I pick up. I actually got around to getting one to shave-ready state a while ago and it was actually a great shaver.
That was my impression upon examining it. It looks like what it is...a small section of a straight razor that has an attachable handle and guard. It is a most ingenious design.
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