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Rolls Razor Strop Dressing Question

Two Questions

1. Do I need strop dressing initially? I have two NOS Rolls Razors (Actually the second hasn't arrived yet). I know that on the first one, the blade is unused, and still in the greased wrapper, the second Rolls is supposed to be the same although I think it may be a little older. I am going to use one of them and hang on to the other as NOS for the time being.

2. Which strop dressing do you recommend, and where do you find it? Since there is only one strop, I believe I can only use one grit of dressing.
Two Questions

1. Do I need strop dressing initially? I have two NOS Rolls Razors (Actually the second hasn't arrived yet). I know that on the first one, the blade is unused, and still in the greased wrapper, the second Rolls is supposed to be the same although I think it may be a little older. I am going to use one of them and hang on to the other as NOS for the time being.

2. Which strop dressing do you recommend, and where do you find it? Since there is only one strop, I believe I can only use one grit of dressing.

You might find your answer from the Rolls razor group.


There is a tub of rolls strop dressing on the bay in the uk, though its live, so i wont post the link, and its a buy now sale.
Since the last Rolls came off the assembly line over 60 years ago, parts and such are difficult to find.

That being said, you probably do not need the strop dressing right now for NOS razors. I have had good results with the red "cutting" compound one can buy in auto supply stores. It is more aggressive than the Rolls, which is, as nearly as I can figure out, jewelers rouge, but would do. I tested the Rolls stropping compound on a piece of lucite, it did not scratch it, so it is pretty mild.

Fortunately I was in Glasgow when I happened to see in a paper that Rolls had filed for bankruptcy, and bought out the supply of stropping compound from a local shop (6 cans). I still have one unopened ofter 40+ years. (I still have my Rolls, and have used it nearly daily sine 1949)

Happy shaving! :shaving:
I know this thread is Long gone but does anyone know if you can use crox on the rolls strop it’s the wax base one iv already replaced the strop it’s stunk like an ashtray and looked like a peace of run over steak so can I use the green crox or the white I think it’s aluminum ox what should use?
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