I was just wondering just what is the shave difference between a Rocket and a Super Speed. I have both a regular tip Rocket and a Flare Tip Rocket, but no Super Speeds to compare them too. I really like my Rockets and they give a great shave, but would getting a Super Speed add anything different to my shave other than another razor to choose from?
I already have mild RAD so sooner or later I will have to get a Super Speed or 2 or 3, but if the shaves are the same between the two I might as well continue chasing down other razors first, like an Old or a New and Improved, or maybe an Aristocrat or two from different eras to go along side my current Aristocrat first
I already have mild RAD so sooner or later I will have to get a Super Speed or 2 or 3, but if the shaves are the same between the two I might as well continue chasing down other razors first, like an Old or a New and Improved, or maybe an Aristocrat or two from different eras to go along side my current Aristocrat first