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Rocket Vs Super Speed

I was just wondering just what is the shave difference between a Rocket and a Super Speed. I have both a regular tip Rocket and a Flare Tip Rocket, but no Super Speeds to compare them too. I really like my Rockets and they give a great shave, but would getting a Super Speed add anything different to my shave other than another razor to choose from?

I already have mild RAD so sooner or later I will have to get a Super Speed or 2 or 3, but if the shaves are the same between the two I might as well continue chasing down other razors first, like an Old or a New and Improved, or maybe an Aristocrat or two from different eras to go along side my current Aristocrat first:tongue_sm
I have found that my Rocket is heavier and more aggressive than my 50's flare tip Super Speed. I do enjoy the shaves that I get from both of them. You should get one and compare for yourself. :thumbup:
Reviving an old thread here, hoping to get some technical info.

Looking at photos from Mr Razor's site, it seems like there might be a difference in the head design, specifically the angle of the safety bar. On the left is a black handle Super-Speed, on the right a Rocket. Maybe it's just due to the angle of the photo, but the safety bar looks more horizontal on the Rocket than on the SS which seems to slope a bit downwards. The head seems flatter as well on the SS.

Maybe someone who has both a SS and a Rocket can post some better photos and perhaps a shave comparison? I have a couple of Rockets, but I don't really enjoy how they shave. Looking at the photos and if the SS really does have a more sloped SB then I think it might work better for me. Guess I'll have to get one to find out ;)

$1968 (N2) Super-Speed black handle.JPG $IMG_2647-450x450.jpg $1950s late flare tip Rocket Bakelite case.JPG
The top picture is a '55 Superspeed and the bottom picture is a '40s style Superspeed. I have a 46-47 and 48-49 US Aristocrat and they are both just as smooth and efficient as the '40s style Superspeed. The head looks identical to the '40s style Superspeed.

The 55 is smooth but not as smooth as the '40s style and the Aristocrats.

The Aristocrats feels better in my hand because it is heavier but doesn't offer a better shave than the '40s style Superspeed. These are my favorites.

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