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Robuso Slant

Have you ever seen one of these? I got it on evilBay as part of a vintage shaving stand/kit purchase. The stamping on the end of the handle says "Robuso Privat".
Wait's CD does have the following entry for the company:

Robuso-Stahlwarenfabrik, Robert Bunterbach, G.m.b.H, Solingen-Hohscheid, Germany. (Trade name on 1932 list).
Thanks, Chip. Does the CD say anything about past products and dates of manufacture?

Sorry about the delay getting back to you, but that's all that's listed. It shows a razor similar to yours and underneath the only date is has is the 1932. Not much help. :frown:
I don't know if I'm going to able to shave with this razor. I have tried to load it with Derby's, Red IP's and Gillette Yellow's and I can't seem to get the handle to screw back into the head when a blade is inserted. Apparently the blades are too thick? The handle screws back onto the empty head in a turn and a half.

I can't press the head and handle together hard/tight enough to get the threads to engage. What's really weird is that these newer blades are no bigger than the Robuso blade box which came with the razor.

I don't want to force anything for fear of breaking the razor or giving myself a good slice in the process. I'll report back if I come up with a solution.
Good news, bad news.

Good news - I figured out why I couldn't get the head and handle to screw back together when a blade was loaded.

Bad news - I figured out why I couldn't get the head and handle to screw back together when a blade was loaded.

It appears that the first 3-4 turns of the thread in the handle have been stripped. That's why it only takes a turn and half to reattach the handle and head and why the threads won't engage when a blade is loaded.

Crap. :cursing::cursing:

Is it possible to use some kind of filler in the handle and then re-cut the threads?
Is it possible to use some kind of filler in the handle and then re-cut the threads?

It is difficult at best to build up and re thread the handle. There is one alternative however. You can get yourself a small Helli coil and drill out plug the receiver hole then re thread the handle to the smaller diameter thread.
This may weaken the handle some but not very much.

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Good luck.
>Is it possible to use some kind of filler in the handle and then re-cut the threads?

Don't waste your time with 2 part epoxy. I tried this with a couple differnt epoxy brands and even though the lables say they can be drilled and tapped, the threads just don't hold up. I also looked into helicoils, but they were stupid expensive for what you get. Just pick up a cheap tech. chances are the handle will fit.
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