Just scored a small Robert Becker scuttle on ebay for $11! Any thoughts on these guys?
Nobody huh? I guess I'll have to wait for mine and post some pics with a review . . .
It will keep your lather warm but it's difficult to make lather in it.
This is true of most scuttles. I have a Georgetown G5, and the bowl is just slightly too small for me to make lather in; I can make lather in it, but the result is not as rich as it is from my larger cereal bowl.
Of late I have been building lather in my bowl, and then transferring it to the scuttle.
Certainly not true of my Dirty Bird scuttle. I have the regular size and can make lather in it with no problems.
I also received one of Robert's scuttles, the small one. It will keep your lather warm but it's difficult to make lather in it. Inside it's 3"wide and 4" deep. I can't get my VDH boar brush and my fingers in the bowl at the same time. I am in the process of making a long handle for a TGN knot I have. Will post pics soon.