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roaduck meanderings

It`s tragic that the working middle class has been decimated especially in America and Europe - they were the backbone of the Country - I hate globalism NorthernSoul - it`s ponzi schemes and fiat currencies with the Frankfurt School doing PC and Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes delivering the coup de Grace - it`s so tragic.
I`ve been to the war torn M.E. from 17 onwards so I know the direct consequences - truly heartbreaking.
Here`s my local park lol.
The hall is 16th Century and the bottom sketch was done 1850.


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The 15 minute edit thing kicked in so...to continue
I wasn`t too bothered Wombat ESQ - I`ll find the end bit on the bay or just swap it with my 4 piece antique German one in a similar case.
Correction - already done it; works fine - hooray !

I just tried swapping the end bit from my German one to Gillette Vest handle barrel and it fits - same thread - interchangeable because they were copies - job`s a good `un.

Got two working vintage pocket open comb travel razors now - it`s quite aggressive but I can take the rough with the smooth - I`m quite old; been shaving 45 years so I`ve used a LOT of razors - from rusty pitted 1865 German straights to modern Japanese safety`s.

I can shave with anything and I mean ANYTHING - no choice in the Sahara desert or a war zone.

I don`t need a light bulb, a brush, a mirror or even soap and water to shave - I`ve used cut-throats with booze and oil when I was very drunk - a lot more than once - I`m a tough old Ruskie Scorpio !

I used to climb trees to trim branches with a chainsaw round my neck in sandals - 45 foot up after 15 cans of 9% vol Carlsberg Special Brew lager or 1 or 2 litres of vodka - every week - I was a self employed alcoholic gardener.

I ride my E-bike naked at 25 mph after 2-3 wineboxes on main roads at 4am in November in Manchester UK - not got arrested yet but some lady police officers laughed their heads off going the other way in a white Police van and gave me a friendly beep on the horn.

As a teenager I used to drive my navy blue 1969 4.2 litre Daimler Jaguar to the beach at Whitby in the snow in November and jump off the pier into the frozen sea naked - I didn`t drive on the motorway at 90 mph sober - I`m sorry now - regret it - but was a buzz at the time.

When I was 14 I used to ride 500cc two-stroke Kawasaki motorcross bikes naked at 85 mph on a beach in Marseille after 5-6 bottles of Bordeaux red wine.Loved the nudist colonies there - I felt so free.

As a teenager I had 16 bottles of wine one night while my friend was at work and I couldn`t get drunk my tolerance was off the map.

That`s nothing I used to drive WRC Suburu rally cars in a icy forest at 130 mph at 1am after two bottles of brandy - naturally.

Oh yeah when I was seventeen I had a lucky stick to dig up landmines in Ramallah in the West Bank - that was insane.
It was lucky because I`m still above ground - my GF burnt the stick years later to be nasty - I was sad and gutted.

I used to have vodka in my glove compartment of my BMW years ago - not proud of it - stopped driving decades ago.
TOTAL TRUTH. But more fun to have BMW, and not be stuck driving YUGO.🤪
I drove a 400 HP Yugo WRC rally car through Kielder forest in the snow at 1am at well over a 100mph - was I drinking vodka? You betcha.
And they say `Redbull Gives You Wings`- it does when you put Stolichnaya in it !
I`m Russian so I`m sort of allowed...ish ! There was no dog walkers around - thank goodness and I didn`t hit a deer!

That made a Porsche GT3 look like a milkfloat - insane power to weight ratio - happy daze !
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I totally get you No1Up - I used to flog bespoke Hi-Fi in Hong Kong and Macau in the nineties and worked very hard and played very hard in China for over fifteen years.
Now my idea of a budget stereo is £20K because when you hear hi-fi`s that sound real and live - from OUTSIDE the demo room - second best won`t do.

I could easily hear the singer breathing in throughout on thrash metal albums at 112db - but no boom and tizz and no headaches because it was so smooth and comfortable - like a good razor shave should be - hehe !

For example, at the time, just my moving coil cartridge was a Kiseki Lapis Lazuli cartridge that was £18K thirty-odd years ago - now they want £40K-£50K for a mint un-re-tipped one ! - inflation heh !
15 min edit limit kicked in so to continue"

I totally get you No1Up - I used to flog bespoke Hi-Fi in Hong Kong and Macau in the nineties and worked very hard and played very hard in China for over fifteen years.
Now my idea of a budget stereo is £20K because when you hear hi-fi`s that sound real and live - from OUTSIDE the demo room - second best won`t do.

I could easily hear the singer breathing in throughout on thrash metal albums at 112db - but no boom and tizz and no headaches because it was so smooth and comfortable - like a good razor shave should be - hehe !

For example, at the time, just my moving coil cartridge was a Kiseki Lapis Lazuli cartridge that was £18K thirty-odd years ago - now they want £40K-£50K for a mint un-re-tipped one ! - inflation heh !

At -120db to -130 db analogue is better than digital because the distortion is thousands of times lower so you get the ambiance and atmosphere and very low level detail you can hear clearly with a good record turntable/arm/cartridge/RIAA equaliser/preamp/power amp/ discrete box or no-box dipole or electrostatic or horn loudspeaker system.

That`s why people still buy records because with digital you can`t hear the traffic outside the studio or the tape edits on the mastertape because digital doesn`t go low enough to pick it up - although the rest sounds relatively clean especially with a 3 box - transport - D/A Convertor - Digital MasterClock - CD player.
Thanks for the link Roaduck but I was actually praising your razor in the middle 😉
Oh that one - the three quid one - they must be rare as Rocking Horse **** - Cos I`ve not seen hardly any and I`ve been shaving 4 decades plus.

If I see one - I`ll grab you one and post it - no worries. - the grey plastic/aluminium handle with the plastic button on the right hand side which pops the head up - you`re laughing mate - easy peasy - lemon squeezy.

Don`t ask me what it was called - cos I`ve got a memory like an amnesiac goldfish - `What was that question again - I haven`t got a Danny ?`

I`ll break down cockney rhyming slang - Danny = Danny La Rue ( famous female impersonator from Manchester UK in the seventies on telly etc )
then La Rue = clue - gorrit - got the Danny haha !

Lived all over London and New York City - love Chigwell and The Brewery respectively very well - knew the local lingo (deffo not now), the Cant Gypsy language, the Jamaican evolved gangsta Patios etc "Gawd Bless `em Guvnor" - I know the score - I`ve zigged and zagged - 4 passports since `69 and 62 Countries - Just had no choice - chucked in the deep end on biz and had certifiable family everywhere etc !

I`m the normal white sheep - compared to the rest of `em - and I used to stand on the roof of trains doing 100mph+ after a vodka and skunk sesh - approaching tunnels standing up 2 secs before impact sorts the men from the boys because you`ve got no head left - just a body - if you`re lucky and you`re not vapourised by a 200 year old stone bridge - happy daze !
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Oh btw I was a journalist and hi-fi advert copywriter for posh magazines and it was such a high pressure career - I was seeing three sets of one 13 inch monitors on Polish rectified 98 vol spirit - it was lethal - five times stronger than 40% vol vodka - but but I couldn`t have any spelling mistakes whatsoever because my boss wasn`t a sympathetic Alkie etc and I had to be a part-time good boy when he wasn`t looking - otherwise he would have found the slightest excuse and sacked me and I needed the crumby job for the huge mortgage at the time!

I changed jobs as soon as my stomach ulcer got niggly - problem sol-ved job`s a good `un.
You'll need to translate "tickerty-boo" and "potty" for those of us west of the pond...
Oh right - got you StewB - sorry for the inadvertent colloquialism - I`ve lived in Kokomo, Indy for 6 mths seeing Julie and Lee after Chrysler closed down and I helped out Babs in Livermore, California before ending up in Mesa, Arizona after a tough divorce and stranded,confused teenage Son, Julian - stayed with the poor darlings for over a year.

Also seen 40 cities Stateside on biz for 3-4 days - so I know hardly anything about the full 50 States in the Scheme of things really.

So, to elucidate and reiterate, tickerty-boo means alright (especially) at the present time and potty means mentally unstable or somebody with a DSM 5+ certifiable psychiatric illness at the time in America and to a lesser degree in the States and Europe etc.

I hope I`ve been sufficiently satisfactorily explanatory for the multiple audiences on this forum -

Thank You All for your furthering forbearance and fealty for the cause.
Well, that was quite the grand tour! You’ve certainly racked up more air miles than a reality TV star on a world crisis tour. Kokomo to Mesa, via Livermore and a sprinkling of 40 cities in between—sounds like you could write the next great American road trip novel! And as for "tickerty-boo" and "potty," I think we've all graduated from your crash course in Colloquialisms 101. Not sure if we get diplomas, but I’m hoping for at least a shiny sticker!

Thanks for the clarification—I’m feeling positively tickerty-boo now, and slightly less potty than usual. Cheers to the next adventure and may it involve fewer stranded teenagers and more relaxing vistas!
I`m so sorry but I had no choice - sink or swim idjekyll - Everest the Hard Way in my family - I had three main careers - three degrees and I still feel stupid because they weren`t sufficient tools for the job - before the net , in the seventies and I had two sets of encyclopedia at home from the 1950`s onwards because Mum instilled her love for books and home-schooled my brother and I and we could both easily read and write before we were five - no TV PROGRAMMING allowed in the sixties for us both.

The careers were parapolitical science via Preston uni, medical herbalism and phytopharmacology from Exeter, Devon and Hi-fi sales from the grapevine and University of life - I learn every day.
The thing is I am surrounded with people that are unfortunately are liabilities - long story short - after feeding 300-400 on early Tues morn 5 KG of powdered Chlorine got spilt with hot water about - wasn`t expecting the fumes - thought I`d be fine with the gas - no poison unit, no doctor or hospital called - thought I could ride it out - I did but I nearly didn`t make it - coughing every 30 seconds for two days - no sleep - then went in very deep sleep - had some water and carried on again best I could - the lady lodger is radio ga-ga; she didn`t help !
Just magic timing - 59 in 6 1/2 minutes so not evaluated my dispatches yet - drink first - okie dokie !
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