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RIP Behmor 2007-2010

Today is a sad day. I killed the Behmor. I had recently cleaned it out, made some small tweaks and it was running like new again. Then, I put in a roast today and forgot about it. 4-5 ft of thick smoke at the top of my garage, flames, glowing embers, aromas of burnt rubber, etc... :crying:
What a bummer; I'm sorry to hear about this. Those "Ultra French Roasts" are jsut too, too, much!
What a bummer; I'm sorry to hear about this. Those "Ultra French Roasts" are jsut too, too, much!

Yeah, but the embers will keep the coffee nice and hot!

Sad news.

At least you didn't burn your house to the ground.

The Behmor does a pretty good job of controlling the fire, apparently. I also had it sitting on ceramic tiles...just in case.

That sucks! No timer on the behmor?

Oh, well. Consider it an excuse to upgrade.

Yes, there's a timer, but I always max it out and come out at a set time to finish the roast in person. Timers never get it right. But yes, upgrading...haha.
Any thoughts on what you're upgrading to? Hottop?

HotTop most likely, but I really like the larger capacity of the Behmor. I'm not sold yet. And I was getting close to pulling the trigger on the espresso machine...
HotTop most likely, but I really like the larger capacity of the Behmor. I'm not sold yet. And I was getting close to pulling the trigger on the espresso machine...

I found that we drink espresso at most 10% of the time. The majority of our coffee is press or drip. After comparing prices I went with the Behmor and just buy Intelligentsia Black Cat for espresso. I'd love to try a Hottop but wow! If we were espresso fiends it would be different conversation.
Oh no! Sorry to hear! I love my behmor and I hope it doesn't go up in flames!

p.s. did you have your settings a 1/2lb heavy?

Always. I always max it at 1 lb and 20:30. I just stop it when it should be stopped. The timer never comes close to getting it right.
Oh man, what a bummer! What are you drinking until the replacement arrives?

Stopped at Kéan Coffee, owned my Martin Diedrich, previously of Diedrich Coffee. Ethoppia Nekisse and Guatemala Huehuetenango La Bolsa, specifically, both roasted this week.
I agree. Do you just hit P1, or do you experiment with the P3 settings as well?

Usually, P1, because I get a lot more baked beans with P3. But it depends on the bean and the firsts roasts of the beans. Sometimes I know I can make it work.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Oh, no. Scotto's moving up again.



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